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Anne Jordan Source Update January 2013: What's Happening with Nexis?
7th January 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Anne Jordan Source Update January 2013: What's Happening with Factiva?
7th January 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Penny Crossland Wikipedia Beats Traditional Media at Breaking News?
4th January 2013

We seem to trust breaking news provided by the 140 characters allowed on Twitter more than the in-depth articles to be found on Wikipedia but should we revise our viewpoint? And should traditional media outlets include more input from amateurs in their reports? Penny Crossland considers crowdsourced news from Twitter and Wikipedia along with research from Brian Keegan, a post-doctoral research fellow in computational science who specialises in information flows of news output on Wikipedia and recently analysed the way that reports on the Connecticut school shooting developed on the site.



Robin Neidorf News Needs and Preferences: Free and Fee
27th December 2012

The tension information managers feel when managing non-cost and fee-based resources for news content is again reflected in the results of the Survey of News Needs and Preferences 2012. Premium products continue to maintain an advantage with regard to search, targeting an analytics, but information managers are no longer in as strong agreement about the additional value they bring. Comparing results since 2009 shows important shifts in perceptions and expectations for information managers with regard to free and fee sources now and in the future.



Robin Neidorf News Needs and Preferences: Factiva and Nexis Usage
27th December 2012

Two news products -- Factiva and Nexis -- were named by nearly half of the respondents on our Survey on News Needs and Preferences as their organisations' "preferred product". Filtering the results for these responses, we can compare the satisfaction of those for whom Factiva is the preferred product, those for whom Nexis is the preferred product and the satisfaction of the full dataset.



Robin Neidorf News Needs and Preferences: Premium Products
27th December 2012

Content purchasers select premium news products based on a range of criteria to meet the needs of their organisations. How satisfied are they with the products they purchase? Respondents to the Survey on News Needs and Preferences 2012 share their opinions on satisfaction and overall value they feel they are getting from their investments.



James Mullan Intranet and Other Predictions for 2013
27th December 2012

Tis the season to be jolly and it would seem timely to make some predictions as to the developments we're likely to see around intranets and social media tools in 2013. In James Mullan's final post of 2012, he finishes with some predictions for 2013 and anticipates the reinvention of intranet managers as digital workplace managers.



Robin Neidorf News Needs and Preferences: Purchasing News
27th December 2012

Many factors go into purchase decisions for news products. Respondents to the 2012 Survey on News Needs and Preferences rate different criteria like advanced searching, mobile availability, direct cost and integrated sharing; comparing this year's average ratings to previous years' demonstrates overall stability in purchase needs, with a few notable exceptions.



Tim Buckley Owen Who's More Afraid of BYOD - Enterprises or Users?
27th December 2012

With mobile devices more widely used than ever (according to figures from Ofcom), the Bring Your Own Device or BYOD movement continues to grow. Gartner warns of the corporate security issues this raises, and Kroll reports a significant increase in internal fraud – all possibly reinforced by SplashData’s findings about continuing poor use of passwords. But developments like NewsGator’s mobile Social Sites platform and InsideView’s Private Connections suggest that employees may need to guard against intrusion from employers too – unless, of course, they can regard their personal data as an asset to be traded.
