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Chris Porter Product Review of Eikon (Sources - Content & Coverage)
5th January 2016

Chris Porter continues his review of Thomson Reuters Eikon for the buy-side looking at data, analysis and news coverage. He outlines how it draws on the company’s considerable editorial resources in various locations around the world.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2604



Robin Neidorf Deep Dive on News Survey Results - Factiva vs Nexis
4th January 2016

FreePint's recently-concluded 2015 research into news needs and preferences indicated that Factiva and Nexis remain the most-used single preferred suppliers of news. We delve into the results to find out more about customer satisfaction with technology and features, how these premium products fit organisations' strategies around purchasing news, and what customers wish the suppliers would change.



Chris Porter Product Review of Eikon (Introduction; Value; Contact Details)
4th January 2016

Chris Porter reviews a new version of Thomson Reuters Eikon, the flagship desktop product from the company's financial division, with particular reference to functionality aimed at portfolio managers and analysts at investment management firms. In the first part of his review he outlines how users get value from it in a number of ways and how it has been enhanced since our 2013 review.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2604



Anja Chemnitz  Thygesen A Framework for Evaluating Sources
30th December 2015

Irene Koren and Anja Thygesen provide detailed guidance and useful tool for evaluating sources. They identify five criteria which should be carefully examined in order to rate a source for factors such as quality, currency and bias.



Andrew Grave Evaluating Factiva and Nexis
29th December 2015

FreePint's Annual Survey of News Needs and Preferences shows Factiva and Nexis consistently dominate the market for news. Business research consultant Andrew Grave takes an in-depth look at each product and highlights the use-cases where each is strongest, USPs, search strengths and source coverage.



Rachael Elliott Increasing Relevance of Online Video for Research
24th December 2015

Rachael Elliott explains why video should be an increasing part of your research focus - and provides some useful tips for specialist sources such as Storyful and Vevo, insight into how mainstream news databases such as Factiva are embracing video, and her views on the extra dimensions that video can bring to your research.



Robin Neidorf DIY Content Aggregation - Emerging Alternatives to Traditional Databases
23rd December 2015

News is essential to the strategy and success of an organisation but the number of sources which need to be monitored is increasing exponentially whilst budgets decrease or remain static. Investments in tools need to be carefully scrutinised in terms of objectives, perceived risk and needs assessment. This article highlights key findings from a recent FreePint Webinar on DIY content aggregation and provides useful models so that you can more easily identify your own objectives for aggregation - and ways to measure success.
