Jinfo Subscription Report Product Review of DueDil
Jinfo Report

20th January 2016


An in-depth product review of the Enterprise service from company information provider DueDil, covering UK and Irish corporate filings.

This review:

  • Sets out how users gain value from DueDil, and what makes it an intriguing, new-generation information vendor.

  • Looks into sources and content, covers data collection methods, attractive layout features, company profiling options, and its more limited coverage of European companies.
  • Reviews DueDil's technology capabilities, including simple searching and "added extras" such as its own advanced search algorithm, social media inspired tracking and impressive visualisation features.

  • Considers support available, including quick help features, major development projects in the pipeline and its relative strengths compared with competitors Avention/OneSource, D&B and Bureau van Dijk.

Reviewed by Chris Porter

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