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Amy Burns Where does your service sit on our efficiency model?
13th June 2017

Jinfo's information services efficiency model is a comparison of how companies establish their reporting structure against how they align their information services operations. Amy Burns explains how this can help you to benchmark your organisation against your peers.



Sophie Alexander Product review of IBISWorld (key advantages; introduction; contact details)
13th June 2017

IBISWorld produces industry research reports that can help make better business decisions and is a powerful tool for anyone needing to learn more about a variety of industries. Part 1 of this review introduces its key advantages, who could benefit from using the platform, a brief overview of its competitors as well as its value.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2837



Lynn Strand How I surprised my hiring manager with my MLIS
12th June 2017

Information professionals need to continually educate the business world about how our unique abilities fit within the organisation, and how they can add immense value to the bottom line. Lynn Strand shares her experience of the hiring process for a market intelligence role as well as some ideas to implement for your next interview or performance review.



Katharine Schopflin Networking for best effect - whether or not it comes naturally
8th June 2017

Networking has evolved thanks to the possibilities now offered by technology. Self-proclaimed "joiner", Katharine Schopflin, explains the options for networking and how even those who aren't natural networkers can benefit from making connections, opening up opportunities and gaining support from others in the field.



Dale Moore Are you a certified information professional?
6th June 2017

Information professionals have long known that the management of resources isn't wholly dependent upon technology. This article looks at a new AIIM certification, indicative of a newer breed of knowledge workers, aimed at bridging the gap between IT and business information. It also benchmarks information roles and explores how you can update your existing skills.



Elizabeth Trudell Beyond web-scale discovery
5th June 2017

Jinfo recently conducted a survey to assess how corporate information professionals understand and use discovery services. In this fourth and final article about the research results, we look to supplement the survey feedback on web-scale discovery tools with responses about a wide range of content discovery systems and data analysis tools. The results show that, whilst a number of enterprise content systems are being deployed, there is truly an explosion in the number of data analysis tools being used or evaluated.

Note: Full report (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2834



Robin Neidorf Launching Dow Jones DNA - licensing and customer considerations
2nd June 2017

In part two of her interview with senior staff involved in the development of Dow Jones DNA, Robin Neidorf finds out how the company has been working with customers to get direct input from information professionals, how the licensing model works and the plans for future developments of the platform, partnerships and customer experience.



Robin Neidorf Launching Dow Jones DNA - a platform for innovation and insights
2nd June 2017

The new Dow Jones platform, Dow Jones DNA, integrates premium news and other Dow Jones data directly into workflows and builds insight capabilities through analytics. Robin Neidorf speaks to three senior staff closely involved in DNA's development to find out how this combination of Data, News and Analytics will aid insights and intelligence, and how DNA will fit with Factiva.



Scott Vine Mini review of Quest from Priory Solutions - keeping on top of enquiries
2nd June 2017

We've come a long way from handwritten enquiry ledgers and Microsoft Access databases, but in a world of group email lists, wikis and other tools, is there really a need for a dedicated information request and enquiry tracking product? Scott Vine looks at Quest, a request tracking system from Priory Solutions, to find the answer.
