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Anne Jordan Source Update May 2013: What's Happening with Nexis?
8th May 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in Nexis, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Tim Buckley Owen Credit Where Credit Is Due
7th May 2013

In contrast to investment ratings agencies such as Standard & Poors, consumer credit reporting services get a relatively clean bill of health, according to a report by the United States Policy & Economic Research Council (PERC) which compares its own assessment with another by the Federal Trade Commission. However, the low percentage of errors could still amount to a lot of missed business opportunities considering the number of credit subjects involved – a situation quite likely exacerbated by findings from FindLaw showing that over 20% of Americans have never bothered to check their credit scores for accuracy.



Anne Jordan Source Update May 2013: What's Happening with and
7th May 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in and, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan. is the European version of the solution.



Victor Camlek IMS Acquires Semantelli, a Potential Big Data Booster Shot
7th May 2013

Supplier of pharmaceutical trending information, IMS Health, has acquired social media analytics firm Semantelli. Victor Camlek examines the possibilities for big data analytics from the deal and the likely benefits for IMS customers.



James Mullan Is It Time to Give Google+ Another Go?
6th May 2013

There are still a lot of misconceptions about what Google+ is and how it can be used. James Mullan asks whether it is time to give Google+ another go and explores facets such as Communities, Circles and Sparks and how they can be used in a professional context. He also looks into the way that Google+ lends itself to smartphone and iPad use.



Anne Jordan Source Update May 2013: What's Happening with Factiva?
6th May 2013

This month's additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Yulia Aspinall Searching Biomedical Literature: An Alternative Way
2nd May 2013

Yulia Aspinall introduces GoPubMed, a free tool from PubMed which aims to bring statistical and visualisation features into research results to help speed up literature evaluation, conclusions and concept building for researchers in the biomedical field. Users benefit from using Gene Ontology and MESH classification in a more refined way and GoPubMed offers the potential to significantly speed up the process of literature evaluation.



Milan Dalal Competitive Intelligence: Deciphering Corporate Strategy using Secondary Sources
1st May 2013

As part of FreePint’s series of articles on competitive intelligence focused on helping information professionals gain a competitive advantage over technology, Milan Dalal of the Brook Intelligence Centre explains how piecing together the clues contained within secondary sources can surface a company’s strategy. He details why there is an increasing need for this type of analysis, the sources to consider, and how to critically evaluate them. He also demonstrates how your opinions can add value to the process.



James Mullan Has LinkedIn Got its Finger on the Pulse of its Contacts?
1st May 2013

There have been a number of very interesting announcements from LinkedIn recently. Amongst these was their purchase of Pulse, a newsreader application that aggregates news sources. How will this acquisition and other announcements such as the new LinkedIn Contacts App enhance our LinkedIn experience?



Jan Knight Infographics: The "At a Glance" Research Source
30th April 2013

One might think incorporating non-text sources into a research strategy of any sort would be almost a given considering the large amount of visual data available both online and in print but it does remain a neglected area. Infographics can be a valuable source for identifying and visualising trends, obtaining a quick picture of a situation, determining a starting point for research and much more. Jan Knight also highlights some of the popular tools for creating your own infographics.
