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Catherine Dhanjal Q&A with NLA media access - International Copyright and Licensing
5th January 2015

FreePint interviews Andrew Hughes, commercial director of NLA media access, to find his views on topics from international copyright and licensing to fair usage of news and the risks of non-compliance with copyright laws.



Andrew Lucas Product Review of LexisNexis Publisher (Technology - Search, Outputs & Alerts, User Interface & Help)
5th January 2015

Andrew Lucas provides an extensive overview of the search and delivery capabilities of LexisNexis Publisher in the third part of his product review. He also looks at administration functionality in this professional alerting product which is designed to find and deliver content to end users across organisations via email, mobile devices, portals, intranets or extranets.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2432



James Mullan Developing the Right Approach for Social Collaboration
31st December 2014

The collaborative benefits of social platforms seem to be becoming more and more obvious. However, whilst many businesses have recognised that they should be using collaboration tools as part of their strategy to improve communication, there are still reports of limited uptake and usage. One of the biggest mistakes can be not providing training to your users, because organisations assume that the tools are similar to consumer tools and therefore familiar to users. This approach relies on "viral growth" when in fact there are much better ways to successfully deploy social tools.



James Mullan Why Note-Taking is an Undervalued Skill
30th December 2014

One of the very first things I learnt as information professional is the value that making notes during a meeting or conversation can have. As technology has developed, more individuals are using different tools to create notes, however the value of these aide memoires has become even more significant. In this article I'll look at some of the reasons why it's important to make notes and the value they can bring, not just to you, but to the wider organisation.



Andrew Lucas Product Review of LexisNexis Publisher (Sources - Content & Coverage)
30th December 2014

In the second part of his review Andrew Lucas looks at the range of internal and external sources available in LexisNexis Publisher, including both the premium news and legal content as well as the web news and social media content. The article details the number of sources by type and examples of different sources.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2432



James Mullan Adding Fun and Games into SharePoint!
30th December 2014

Whilst SharePoint is a very powerful platform and is continuing to develop its social offering, "out of the box" it's not very pretty. Many organisations have spent significant amounts of time developing and customising SharePoint to make it more appealing to users, but it can be a long and expensive journey. Ultimately having an unattractive and unintuitive product can mean that adoption is slow, as users don't feel connected to, or simply don't like the look of it. So what can organisations do if they don't have the budget to spend on development? Step up to the podium gamification.



Andrew Lucas Product Review of LexisNexis Publisher (Introduction, Contact Details)
29th December 2014

In the first part of his review of LexisNexis Publisher, Andrew Lucas introduces the company and Publisher, a professional current awareness solution to make sure that people have access to critical information at all times. Users include those in corporate, legal and government, in areas from competitive intelligence to marketing.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2432



James Mullan Making SharePoint Easier to Use
29th December 2014

One of the most significant issues with SharePoint is that in order to make it work effectively, organisations have to spend significant amounts of time customising the user experience. This customisation might take the form of improving the navigation, adding custom social elements or redesigning the look and feel. Any customisation can potentially take a significant amount of time and money and even delay any launch date. However, there are a number of tools and applications that can make SharePoint easier to use.



James Mullan How to Add Value Within Your Enterprise Social Network
24th December 2014

One of the barriers to individuals adding more content to enterprise social networks is that there can be confusion around what type of content and updates they should be posting. Whilst it's great that staff are engaged with an enterprise social network such as SharePoint, there are some behaviours and activities which need to be managed.
