Stephen Phillips February 2025 Update
Jinfo Blog

12th February 2025

By Stephen Phillips


  • Data-led initiatives and the role of information managers
  • Educating colleagues and users about developing and using AI
  • Standardised data licences for AI - a new study
  • From information retrieval to integrated intelligence with Dow Jones


Information managers are reporting to us a shift in their organisations' approach to AI. The focus is shifting from technology (the algorithms and models) to the data.

My latest blog "Data-led AI initiatives - the role for information managers?", reflects on the opportunity for information managers to support and enable AI initiatives.

Educating colleagues about AI

To fully harness AI's potential and mitigate its risks, it is essential to educate colleagues and users about its implications.

This month's Community session "The impact of AI: educating colleagues" (26th February) will provide practical strategies for AI education.

We will be joined by Sarah Fahy, Global Head of Research and Market Intelligence at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe.

Register for the Community

We also invite you to complete our survey on end-user training and receive a copy of the anonymised results.

Standardising data licences for AI

The increasing demand for high-quality, ethically sourced data to fuel artificial AI has revealed significant gaps in the agreements and frameworks that govern data sharing.

Our new article "Unlocking data with standardised licensing terms", analyses the findings of a recent study and enables information managers to foster responsible development and use of AI by standardising and simplifying data licensing terms.

Read the article now

From information retrieval to integrated intelligence with Dow Jones

In our recent Community session, Matt Donahue and Nichole Spell of Dow Jones revealed how AI is reshaping Factiva, and highlighted innovations like the recently launched Factiva Smart Summary.

Catch up on all these developments in our new report "From information retrieval to integrated intelligence with Dow Jones Factiva" and the associated recorded webinar.

As always, all our resources are available in your Jinfo Subscription – if you want to discuss getting the benefits, please get in touch.

We're excited to be well into another transformative year of major opportunities for information managers.

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