26th January 2012
My Favourite Tipples
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FUMSI Features
- From fragmentation to coherence: Building an information professional community for all
- "Frictionless sharing" - exploring the changes to Facebook
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- On the Horizon
- Recent postings to the LiveWire
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- AIIP Webinar: First Year Questions - Ask Our Panel
- SLA 2012 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO
Highlights from DocuTicker
- Global Go-To Think Tanks Report 2011
- SOPA and PIPA Bill Summaries
Highlights from ResourceShelf
- Insights on the Effects of the Blackout
- eBook Discovery and Sampling Skyrocketing at Public Libraries
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By Michelle Manafy
Fighting the good fight for copyright
SOPA and PIPA have been the acrimonious acronyms of the month. For those unfamiliar, the Stop Online Piracy and the Protect IP Acts are versions of legislation that have been under consideration in the US Congress and Senate this month. This legislation was backed by entertainment companies, publishers, pharmaceutical companies and other groups who seek to curtail internet piracy.
While the legislation had significant support only a few weeks ago, "blackout" protests staged by a variety of major internet players, including Google and Wikipedia, caused a number of key supporters to switch sides and eventually led to its proponents deciding it was in need of a complete redraft.
Indeed, SOPA and PIPA opposition is formidable: major tech executives such as Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google; Jack Dorsey, co founder of Twitter; Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn; and Arianna Huffington, co-founder of The Huffington Post, issued An Open Letter to Washington in which they pointed out that they have "had the good fortune to found internet companies and non-profits in a regulatory climate that promotes entrepreneurship, innovation, the creation of content and free expression online" and they "urge Congress to think hard before changing the regulation that underpins the internet. Let's not deny the next generation of entrepreneurs and founders the same opportunities that we all had".
Of primary concern to those that opposed SOPA was that the legislation is overly broad and, as such, could be used to require ISPs to block access to sites - actions that many regard as censorship. Corey Williams, Associate Director, Office of Government Relations at the American Library Association, voiced the ALA's opposition. In addition to expressing the organisation's concerns over any legislation that may curtail free speech, he also pointed out the worrisome possibility that the sweeping nature of these bills might put libraries in the crosshairs of criminal prosecution. According to Williams, "Ultimately, this bill brings into the realm of possibility the criminal prosecution of a library for streaming or public performances for educational purposes (yikes!)".
Without a doubt, librarians have been at the forefront of supporting free speech. They have also been at the front lines of educating content users about copyright (and wrongs). Certainly, the information profession is dependent upon the creation of high quality content and, in turn, supports the revenue models that make the creation of content possible. Information professionals are a strong link in the information value chain.
In many organisations, information professionals have a pivotal role in information governance; they help ensure that content is used in ways consistent with copyright and specific usage licences. This week, we published the FreePint Research Report: Information Governance Policies and Priorities, which explores the full range of information governance policies and practices including how information is stored, shared, managed and released in order to comply with relevant laws and regulations as well as to maximise its value within the organisation.
FreePint Research found that copyright risk management jumped in its significance for information managers this year. However, to manage their information better, information managers continue to seek best practices and consensus in the industry for copyright norms to help them govern the flow of information effectively within their organisations.
Certainly, these norms are a moving target and the FreePint Research Report: Information Governance Policies and Priorities provides insights into how information managers at leading organisations are strategically approaching these challenges, as well as those of other records management legislation.
Interestingly, the report found that one of the areas of highest priority for information managers is increasing user awareness of information resources. This aspect of information governance focuses most on building value through sharing and dissemination of resources rather than locking down and restricting access to resources.
Smart information managers know that information investments take managing to realise value. Certainly, regulation is part of the picture. However in today's information value chain, content discovery is essential for content managers, users and creators to realise the full value of information.
Best regards,
Michelle Manafy,
Director of Content
FreePint is a Registered Trademark of Free Pint Limited (R) 1997-2012
My Favourite Tipples
By Mark Faulkner
I work in the Information Centre for the Financial Services Authority so my Tipples reflect the subject field I work in and are based on most popular demand from colleagues in the organisation. (I would just like to stipulate that I am not profiting from endorsing any of the services mentioned below, with the possible exception of the last one!)
- Thomson Reuters Knowledge: an invaluable source for broker and analyst reports; paramount to colleagues supervising firms wanting to be informed on current commentary and trends across market sectors. A wealth of information is also available from Reuters.com including the Regulatory Reform blog.
- Bloomberg: included purely for competitive balance! Utilised for market data, there is also a wealth of information available from the main Bloomberg site including rolling news feeds.
- Ratings agencies: Similarly, reports from the three main ratings agencies - Fitch, Moody's and Standard & Poor's - are scrutinised as they help formulate trends and provide market outlooks.
- BBC News: this is usually the first site I view every morning. However the Market Data and blog sites are also extremely informative.
- NGLIS: My background is working in government library environments but since moving on from the civil service I still like to network and catch up with colleagues on what has been going on. The Network of Government, Library & Information Specialists enables me to do this and I have been Publicity Officer for quite a few years now.
Mark Faulkner has been Information Centre Team Leader at the Financial Services Authority for five years, having previously worked for Department of Communities and Local Government (as is) and Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Extra curricular activities include being a member of the VIP Editorial Board and supporting his partner's crochet business at weekends. Mark can be found on LinkedIn.
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Some information needs to flow. Some information leaks need to be plugged.
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Latest posts at the FreePint Bar:
- [VIP] Latest popular LiveWire posts
There's a lot of valuable comment at the VIP LiveWire. The following are the most popular posts from our contributing editors over the last 30 days:
* How will the social media bubble burst?
* Going round in circles
* Social chicken and egg
* Tech Blogging: evolving or ending?
* More mobile than ever
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- [DocuTicker] DocuTips on Health Literacy
What has traditionally been understood as literacy has been disrupted, like so much else, by the advent of the Internet. No longer is it regarded as simply the ability to read and write. In the Information Age, information literacy is a concept that recognises skills in judging trustworthiness and quality as critical. Such matters of accurate interpretation have long been among the concerns of scholars. The flood of information unleashed by the Internet has exposed the many areas of life to which a literacy of some sort applies, and thus how many more people need to become information literate.
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- [FreePint] Newsworthy information
The close of 2011 saw what, at first glance, might appear to be just another nail in the news media coffin: on 27 December, The New York Times Company sold off its Regional Media Group. However the company spins the story well, with New York Times Co chairman Arthur Sulzberger stating that the sale "will enable The New York Times Company to continue [its] transformation to a digitally focused, multiplatform media company".
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We add new articles to the FUMSI database in each practice area every month, which are free to read, browse, email, print or save. Here are the most recent additions:
From fragmentation to coherence: Building an information professional community for all
By Mark Field
FUMSI: Manage
If you are concerned about why, in an information age, information professionals are largely marginalised, then Mark Field's article will give you food for thought as he debates how info pros must work together to keep the profession relevant and appreciated in the 21st Century.
WHAT'S INSIDE: 'Why, in the information age, are the information professions largely marginalised? Why can they not form a healthy, inclusive, self-aware professional caucus? Do the information professions have the standing and influence which reflects the value that we think we bring to the world? What does the world need in its information professionals? These questions started the defragmentation debate.'
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"Frictionless sharing" - exploring the changes to Facebook
By Martin Belam
FUMSI: Share
End users of Facebook may well be divided in their opinion of the introduction of frictionless sharing, but Martin Belam's article will forewarn you about its effect on metadata, audit trails and content publishing, so that you can be forearmed.
WHAT'S INSIDE: 'One of the biggest changes announced for content providers at the f8 Facebook conference is "frictionless sharing". Facebook have opened up what they call their "Open Graph", which allows apps and publishers to automatically insert "actions" into a user's Facebook timeline. And, in plain English, that means that for some sites or apps, simply listening to a song or reading an article is enough to see it posted to your Facebook activity stream without you lifting so much as a mouse-finger.'
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FUMSI - Forthcoming Topics
- Leveraging unconference facilitation styles to revitalise training and meetings
- Think global, search local
- Information and opportunity: We are looking in the wrong direction
- Tend your garden: Build relationships and work with your stakeholders.
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Includes product reviews of Factiva, NexisUK and FirstRain, a report comparing these providers, our Survey on News Needs and Preferences, plus a recent issue of VIP with a feature story on alternative news sources.
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Tend Your Garden: Influencing your stakeholders and making your organization look good
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Missed this session? You can access the recorded version and learn from panelists Anne Caputo, Scott Brown and Helen Clegg:
- How to identify and prioritise stakeholders
- Best practices for stakeholder communication
- Approaches to creating a communication plan.
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VIP Features
VIP publishes in-depth, unbiased reviews of business information products. If you purchase or use premium information resources, make VIP part of your professional reading every month »
VIP Magazine: On the Horizon
VIP Magazine features VIP Horizon, a brief summary of important news in the information industry, interpreted to help information managers communicate upward regarding strategy, risk management and planning for change.
VIP Magazine: 97 features the following in VIP Horizon:
Companies using "data-directed decision making" enjoy a 5-6% boost in productivity as a result, concludes a recent Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report on harnessing Big Data. Yet many companies still struggle with basic aspects of data management such as cleaning, verifying or reconciling data across the organisation.
In addition, the number of private sector security breaches in Britain has increased by nearly 60% this year, despite warnings from the Information Commissioner that customers turn away from brands that let them down. MPs are now backing him in pressing for custodial sentences for people who obtain or sell personal information unlawfully.
Global executives attribute over half of their brand's reputation to how sociable it is, according to a report from public relations firm Weber Shandwick. Yet many seem to have difficulty mastering the challenges of engaging with customers using social media, and executives generally acknowledge that they still have far to go.
Another survey from market researcher TNS offers advice on how companies might make better use of social media. But it warns them against "muscling in" on social space, and notes that around 60% of people in developed markets aren't willing to engage with brands on social media at all.
Over 80% of the businesses surveyed for a recent KPMG report are either planning or making early forays into the cloud. However many are focusing on self-contained functions that don't require integration with core applications, and using private clouds rather than public or hybrid ones.
Chief executives and chief information officers each think that the cloud should be their responsibility, leading to the rise of the chief integration officer - a go-between dedicated to breaking down silos. Issues that that officer needs to address include the rise of infrastructure, platform, software, business processes and - increasingly - recovery, all delivered "as a service".
More insights like these can be found in VIP No. 97. Purchase VIP No. 97 in the FreePint Shop, or subscribe today »
VIP LiveWire
VIP contributing editors comment daily on what's happening in the industry. Visit the LiveWire for their insights, and subscribe to the free VIP Wires Weekly for regular alerts.
VIP Wires Weekly is generously sponsored by Infotrieve.
Most Read Postings on the LiveWire Recently...
- Enterprise social requires governance
In the old days we called it the company intranet. Now, it is the social enterprise collaborator workspace. That is according to Matt Hamilton of the Plone Foundation and his seminar presentation at Online Information 2011...
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- Can search replace "the perfect secretary"?
Despite all the information available to them, companies are now taking longer to reach critical business decisions, a new report finds. But perhaps we shouldn't be surprised; a couple of other recent publications suggest that there's a serious shortage of the skills needed to help turn data into action.
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- An online copyright shop - too good to be true?
Information professionals know that copyright law is a minefield, especially when dealing with digital access to material. What's more, researchers have been voicing for a while that the existing UK copyright law is not fit for purpose in the digital age. As reported by Tim Buckley Owen 18 months ago, the British Library questioned in a report whether copyright law was acting as a hindrance to the UK's research efforts and thereby impacting negatively on the UK economy. Academics, too have argued that intellectual law needs to be changed to fit the digital era.
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- The end of printed newspapers is nigh
It is the season for end of year round-ups and New Year predictions - see Jan Knight's comments this week on trends to look for in 2012 - to which I am able to add another one: the editorsweblog last week referred to a new study from the Annenberg Center at the University of South Carolina for the Digital Future, which predicts the end of printed newspapers in the United States within the next five years.
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- Infogroup turmoil continues with Hart's departure
Infogroup's turbulent history continues with news that Clare Hart, the former Factiva boss brought in to restore some stability and forward momentum to the company, is leaving after barely 18 months in the job. She is replaced as chief executive officer by Michael Iaccarino.
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VIP Wire
Information-related product and news announcements. Post your releases and subscribe to the free VIP Wires Weekly for regular alerts.
Recent VIP Wire announcements...
- Thomson Reuters Intros Audit & Engagement Software
The Tax & Accounting business of Thomson Reuters plans to offer a new audit and engagement management application that, starting later this year, will provide advanced trial balance and engagement management functionality for larger firms with sophisticated audit practices.
Known as AdvanceFlow, the product will complement the document management and workflow capabilities of the company's GoFileRoom, allowing GoSystem Tax RS and GoFileRoom to work together. In addition, PPC's Smart Practice Aids will be an integral part of the audit system.
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- ebrary Ships New Mobile App
The demand for e-book accessibility, especially on mobile devices, is growing significantly. In ebrary's 2011 Global Student E-book Survey, announced today and available at http://site.ebrary.com/lib/surveys, 60 percent of respondents indicated that downloading e-books onto mobile devices is "very important" -- a 16 percent increase over results from a similar survey that ebrary sponsored in 2008. In ebrary's recent Download Survey, librarians marked the iPad(R) as more important to providing offline access than desktops and laptops.
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- LexisNexis Business Intelligence Solutions Goes International
To deliver greater value for customers, LexisNexis combines products, solutions and services into one integrated business
LONDON, 17 January 2012 - LexisNexis, a leading provider of content and technology solutions, today announced it will combine its business intelligence activities across Europe, the Middle East and Latin America to form LexisNexis International Business Intelligence solutions (LNI BIs). In response to increasing requests from customers to be served both locally and globally, this organisational change is designed to combine markets with similar characteristics and requirements and will operate under a common managing director and management structure...
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VIP - Forthcoming Topics
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Research on Global Economy
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- Legal Information Officer
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Recruiter: Sue Hill Recruitment and Services Limited
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Programme Development Librarian - Book Aid International
We are seeking an experienced person to develop and manage a range of innovative library projects in Africa. Reporting to the Head...
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Business Origination Research Lead - London.
Recruiter: TFPL
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