12th January 2012
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By Michelle Manafy
Newsworthy information
The close of 2011 saw what, at first glance, might appear to be just another nail in the news media coffin: on 27 December, The New York Times Company sold off its Regional Media Group. However the company spins the story well, with New York Times Co chairman Arthur Sulzberger stating that the sale "will enable The New York Times Company to continue [its] transformation to a digitally focused, multiplatform media company".
Certainly, 2011 had its share of bad news about the news business, quite probably topped by the News of the World hacking scandal, which racked up 2.9% of all American media coverage in the 3rd Quarter of the year, according to Pew's Project for Excellence in Journalism's A Year in the News Interactive 2011. Not surprisingly, it was a very hot topic in the UK as well. In July, Rasmus Klen Nielsen, a research fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford, reported that, as a search term, the story was as popular as David Beckham among Brits.
Nielsen pointed out that, as a rule, stories about the media lack such mass appeal and that this one has the unfortunate effect of further undermining the public's trust in media. In fact, negative opinions about the performance of news organisations now equal or surpass all-time highs on nine of 12 core measures that Pew has been tracking since 1985. However, these bleak findings are somewhat offset by the fact that Pew also reports that news organisations are more trusted sources of information than are many other institutions, including government and business.
Despite our mixed feelings about the news and those who provide it, we continue to view professionally produced news as one of the most trustworthy sources of reliable information. We also continue to consume a good quantity of it: the average UK adult receives 57.4 minutes of news each day; 52% of which is in broadcast form and 38% either physical or digital, according to a 2011 Enders|Analysis report, News Consumption for DMGT.
Our own research, published last month in the FreePint Research: Survey on News Needs and Preferences 2011, finds that budgets for news content within organisations remained consistent from the previous year and that information managers are closely monitoring their news products to ensure that the sources they most value remain available within licensed collections. According to the report, "Respondents strongly agree that news is an important element of their organisations' information portfolios".
Respondents also agree that premium features add value to products they license and purchase. "Effective search" and "easy to use search" rank among the most valued features by premium news users according to FreePint's research.
The 2011 report marked the tipping point for mobile as a valued premium feature. Given that nearly 10% of UK newspaper website traffic came from non-computer devices, according to 2011 comScore Device Essentials research, this may not come as a surprise. And FreePint finds that, "because the entire concept of news is so tied to the immediate update, news has been one of the first types of content to make significant inroads with mobile delivery in the enterprise". Furthermore, year-over-year research indicates that the news category has been a good predictor of increased mobile enterprise demand in other categories of content as well.
As a New Year begins, I look forward to monitoring continued transformation of information use and consumption patterns -- particularly, what the year will bring our way via mobile. As an update to our FreePint Research Report: Enterprise Market for Mobile Content is due out later this month, we won't have long to wait for more newsworthy insights into the information industry.
Best regards,
Michelle Manafy,
Director of Content
FreePint is a Registered Trademark of Free Pint Limited (R) 1997-2012
My Favourite Tipples
By Chris Dillon
As Domain Names Project Director in the Department of Information Studies at UCL (University College London), I need to keep up-to-date with the domain names industry and organise information about it so that I can access it quickly. Below is a list of my main sources of information and my favourite tools:
- The website of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the most important source of information on the domain names industry. The New generic Top Level Domains Program (i.e. the equivalents of .com, .org., .travel etc. in any language) has its own website at newgtlds.icann.org. The new URLs are scheduled to go online at the end of 2012.
- Twitter is the best way of keeping up-to-date on developments in this area. During ICANN meetings (meetings.icann.org), the most common app open seems to be TweetDeck.
- TreePad is the quickest way to access complex information which one organises into a hierarchy of nodes. The Lite version is free; the Enterprise version adds useful features such as formatting, images, live links to files and websites, and file attachments to nodes. I have a general file (e.g. meetings by date and information on projects), a software file (A-Z for Mac and PC including notes on how-tos and issues), a file on domain names and one for research notes.
- Tips and advice Internet, a newsletter published by Indicator, is the quickest way to keep up-to-date with software and website developments.
- NONAGS, so called because there are no nag screens, is an Aladdin's cave for those interested in the latest free software.
Chris Dillon is Domain Names Project Director based in the Centre of Digital Humanities in UCL's Department of Information Studies. He was previously Information Support Officer for UCL's Faculties of Arts & Humanities, and Laws, specialising in IT support for non-Roman scripts. Before that he was Information Librarian at the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and Head of the British Library's Japanese Information Service. He can be found on Twitter as @chris_j_dillon and his website is here.
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Tend Your Garden: Influencing your stakeholders and making your organization look good
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- Best practices for stakeholder communication
- Approaches to creating a communication plan.
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- [FreePint] A look back ... and looking forward
As the year winds down, it is a good time to reflect upon what the past year has shown us, particularly as we get ready for the New Year. For me, this issue finds me concluding my first year here at FreePint and mulling a bit over what we've done...
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A look at non-profit information websites
By Joann M. Wleklinski
If you need to research the non-profit sector then the GuideStar websites are great places to start. Covering the US, UK, Belgium, Israel and India, these websites provide information about the sector's organisations with some details available for free, more once you are registered, and yet more if you subscribe.
WHAT'S INSIDE: 'The GuideStar websites provide authoritative information about all sorts of non-profits for a variety of purposes - financial as well as administrative. The GuideStar websites are easily searchable, and provide detailed information to help those in the non-profit sector strategically position themselves in these difficult economic times. Visitors to the GuideStar website can access information for free. Register at the website (also free) and you get a bit more information. Pay for a subscription (monthly or yearly), or purchase a report individually, and you get a lot more information.'
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Social media and the emergency services: Part 2 - Emergency management
By Martha Murphy
The emergency services are finding new ways of communicating with the public through social media. Martha Murphy shows how Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, blogs and podcasts have opened up new ways of information dissemination for fire and related groups in Canada.
WHAT'S INSIDE: 'Social media tools provide fire departments and other emergency groups with a timely response in disseminating public information to citizens, whether its preparedness information on a weekly basis or emergency information when a disaster happens. This includes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, blogs and podcasts, with content such as safety tips, fire prevention week events, emergency preparedness workshop notifications and other announcements.'
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FUMSI - Forthcoming Topics
- Leveraging unconference facilitation styles to revitalise training and meetings
- Think global, search local
- Information and opportunity: We are looking in the wrong direction
- Tend your garden: Build relationships and work with your stakeholders.
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VIP Features
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VIP Magazine: Less information is more ... as long as it is the right information - A VIP Editorial
By Marcy Phelps
As the owner of a research firm specialising in business intelligence, I quickly learned that more is not better. No, the way to impress clients wasn't with those 80-page reports of which I was so proud when I first started my business. It didn't take long to determine that my clients weren't interested in having me gather more information than they could through their usage of the latest and greatest all-purpose search engine. They wanted information that was better than what they were finding. I eventually also learned that "better" had many facets.
Better information meant that it came from trusted sources. More definitely does not translate into authoritative, and my clients - with critical business decisions at stake - weren't comfortable with the ease with which one could publish on the web.
It also meant that the information would be focused, yet comprehensive. These busy executives didn't have time to go to multiple sources or scan pages of search results for those relevant nuggets. They needed specialised tools for quickly targeting the right amount of information in their topic of interest - the business of running a business.
For my clients, I found that better information needed to be packaged to facilitate decision-making. They wanted quick profiles for insights into industries and competitors. Executive summaries, tables, charts and other formats made it easy to spot key issues and trends. My analysis of the findings and what they meant with regard to my clients' goals and objectives added the kind of value that kept them coming back for more...
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VIP LiveWire
VIP contributing editors comment daily on what's happening in the industry. Visit the LiveWire for their insights, and subscribe to the free VIP Wires Weekly for regular alerts.
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Most Read Postings on the LiveWire Recently...
- Social networkers to business: "Get out!"
Most businesses still struggle to find the Holy Grail of engagement with customers on social media, suggest a couple of new reports. If so, it's not for want of tools to help them - but the real question is whether social network users want the big brands to be there at all...
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- Factiva is revving its engine
No, Factiva is not the sponsor of the next Indianapolis 500. But it is tuning up its own vehicle of sorts, adding tools and search features that encourage synthesis and analysis. Hence their tagline: Factiva: The Intelligence Engine...
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In the old days we called it the company intranet. Now, it is the social enterprise collaborator workspace. That is according to Matt Hamilton of the Plone Foundation and his seminar presentation at Online Information 2011...
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- Can search replace "the perfect secretary"?
Despite all the information available to them, companies are now taking longer to reach critical business decisions, a new report finds. But perhaps we shouldn't be surprised; a couple of other recent publications suggest that there's a serious shortage of the skills needed to help turn data into action.
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- UK small businesses still in the dark ages
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are in danger of getting stuck in the technological "dark ages" according to a recent report. The Intel Small Business Index reports that small businesses are "slow to adopt new technologies such as tablets and cloud computing because of a lack of financial and human resources" adding that these businesses "are also putting themselves at risk of data breaches because of a lack of awareness around security regulations and investment in security technologies"...
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- National Library of France Chooses EBSCO Discovery Service™
IPSWICH, Mass. - January, 10, 2012 - Bibliotheque nationale de France (BNF), the National Library of France has selected EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) as its library discovery solution. As a long time EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) customer, the National Library of France was pleased with EDS's comprehensive index solution and ability to incorporate many of the library's information resources. After looking at several discovery services, the librarians at BNF were confident that EDS was the best service to expose users to the national library's collection - one of the largest and richest e-collection of any library worldwide...
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- CCC Acquires Pubget
Acquisition Supports CCC Mission of Making Licensing Seamless by Providing Value-Added Services
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a not-for-profit organization and leading source of licensing solutions, has acquired MA-based Pubget, a solutions provider focused on expediting the acquisition and analysis of content...
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- Springer Launches SpringerLink mobile app
Springer launches SpringerLink mobile app for iPhone
SpringerLink app provides wireless access to one of the largest collections of scientific information
Springer, a leading global scientific publisher, has launched the SpringerLink mobile app for iPhone and iPod Touch. It is free to download from the iTunes App Store providing access to the science platform www.springerlink.com containing articles and chapters from over 2,000 peer-reviewed journals and 49,000 books. In total SpringerLink is offering over 5.4 million documents spanning every area of science, technology and medicine...
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Research on Global Economy
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Request your free FreePint Report: Buyer's Guide On Business News Information
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- Selected sources for news
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