Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence (CI) is an increasingly important facet of work within many information management teams.

Use Jinfo CI to:

  • Capture and articulate the Value Chain of CI, aligning it with organisational goals and driving your Stakeholder Engagement

  • Develop your CI Centre of Excellence to optimise the function and deliver actionable insights and recommendations

  • Mitigate the risk of information overload, by fine tuning your Content Portfolio to ensure it is fit for purpose

  • Benchmark your CI capabilities to highlight best practice and opportunities for improvement.

An effective CI strategy is vital to the success of an organisation. CI can have a high profile but needs an ongoing focus to ensure it is relevant to the needs of the organisation.

Jinfo CI can help Information Leaders deliver or support a CI function. Talk to us about leveraging our expertise to help you demonstrate the value of your CI work, develop your CI strategy or fine-tune your CI capabilities and deliverables.

The resources in this Focus are available through a Jinfo Subscription:
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Stephen Phillips, Lead Analyst "I'm Stephen Phillips, Lead Analyst for Jinfo.

You can advance your information strategy with the practical activities and research insights in Jinfo's Focus areas when you become a client.

Contact me to discuss your unique needs, and we can map our methods and experience to address your opportunities and challenges".

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How do other information teams do it? Community dialogue

Anonymised notes available from these past sessions: