Anja Chemnitz  Thygesen Practical action on Jinfo's Research Focus, from a research specialist
Jinfo Blog

7th October 2016

By Anja Chemnitz Thygesen


We interview Shahid Nazir of the Bank of England's information centre about the recent Research Focus, "Content and technology for current awareness" and how it's sparked ideas or affected future plans.


Content and technology for current awarenessHow are the articles, webinars and Community sessions from the Research Focus, "Content and technology for current awareness" being used? We spoke to one of our regular participants and readers who shared with us what he has learned from the current Research Focus and how he will use this in his new strategy.


Jinfo: What did you find most valuable about the Research Focus?

Shahid Nazir: Actually it was quite a happy coincidence that this Research Focus came up. We are currently working on a plan for our current awareness strategy and needed some inspiration and ideas on this topic. We are in the development phase and I have been doing a lot of reading on Jinfo as well as on other sources to collect experience and information about the topic and how we can work with this in the best way. I still have some reading to do in order to get input and ideas for the process. I found the articles very useful to get inspiration on tools and how to work with them.


Jinfo: How has this Research Focus affected your thinking/work?

Shahid Nazir: Well you can say that I’ve got a lot of inspiration. We have a brainstorming session coming up soon and I used this Research Focus to collect ideas for that.


Jinfo: What actions will you take?

Shahid Nazir: We had already planned to have this brainstorming session and the contents fit very well into that. So you can say that we’re not taking any actions as a result but we have some good inspiration to work with. We have a facilitator for the brainstorm and the purpose is to decide on our strategic development plan for our current awareness tools. The process will be to collate the ideas that we get and put forward a plan for the coming years.

Jinfo: How do you usually work with Jinfo?

Shahid Nazir: We use Jinfo for all sorts of things; keeping up to date on what is happening in the industry and evaluating different sources and products. For instance, we recently read the Nexis/Factiva article and that was a very good article with some useful input for our work.


Shahid NazirAbout Shahid Nazir

Shahid is a qualified Chartered Librarian, and has been working in the information centre at the Bank of England since 2000. He previously worked as an assistant librarian in a City law firm. His focus area is research services which includes search training on information centre databases, and increasing research support to the desktop.


The main lessons learned from this three-month Research Focus, plus a thematic index to all content published, are included in the "Insights & actions report on current awareness"visit the Research Focus page to get your copy.

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