Jody Ridgwell FreePint Feedback - Noting Articles for Future Reference
Jinfo Blog

30th July 2015

By Jody Ridgwell


Jody Ridgwell, production and design manager at FreePint, explains how to star FreePint articles to save them to your personal list for future reference.


We received a question from a customer: 

"How can I keep a note of FreePint articles for later reference?"


We replied:

You can star and save articles in the FreePint Subscription.

1. Log in to the article you'd like to star and save.

2. On the top left of the screen, under the article title, you'll see the date and then a star with a yellow outline and white inside:

3. Left click once on the star and the star will turn yellow.

The article has now been added to the starred items in your MyFreePint account for future reference.

You can see the list of starred items by clicking the star icon on the top right of any page:

To remove an item from the starred list, simply click on the yellow star again and it will revert to white, and no longer appear in your list of starred items.

Do you have a question for us or would like to find out more about the benefits of FreePint Subscription? We can help, please contact us.

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