Embedding Training in the Workplace
Jinfo Blog
15th June 2015
Sonja Irlbeck explores how to enhance team competencies through effective workplace training.
The information professional's job is one which requires continual updating of skills.
As a manager of information professionals, how do you enhance team competencies? The FreePint Subscription article "Using Competency-Based Strategies to Develop your Team of Information Professionals" describes a variety of approaches to providing effective workplace training and presents strategies for focusing on employee learning in the workplace.
Reading the article provides more detail as well as suggestions for additional references to continue learning.
Focus on Learning, not Training
One way to bring concepts of competency-based learning, job-embedded learning, and professional development together is to focus on specific skills and tasks to be applied on the job.
Examples are provided for consideration in the article itself, which help you think about removing the concept of a group meeting or training with an instructor lecturing the group, and replacing it with ideas about identifying a specific learning chunk and following up with application opportunities.
For example, rather than a presentation about features of a new software tool, what if the training were developed so information about the features of the software tool help workers complete their tasks and continue learning in practise situations?
Focus on Practising New Skills On the Job
The key is identifying competencies and helping employees practise on the job, doing it by focusing on learners as adults and using adult-focused learning strategies (andragogy).
Employees in the information field need to quickly learn new skills, knowledge and attitudes and apply them on the job. Reading the full Subscription article provides you with some next steps to consider when implementing competency development embedded in the workplace.
This Blog Item is part of the FreePint Topic Series "Best Practices in Information Skills Development".
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