Britt Mueller For Maximum Visibility Keep Information Brief and Relevant
Jinfo Blog

17th March 2015

By Britt Mueller


Britt Mueller provides some tips to help ensure that information deliverables are actively used and valued. She also highlights the importance of tracking usage metrics and user behaviour.


Visible and Valuable

We assume that information that is visible will also be used and valued, but that is not always the case. In our current environment of always-on, information overload, an "if you build it they will come" information strategy is not sufficient, no matter how excellent the solution. The manner in which information is surfaced makes a difference. 

In order to promote information from passive visibility to active use, information professionals need to focus on two areas:

  • Communication
  • Responsive change.

By focusing on the manner in which information is communicated and then quickly responding to usage data and feedback, information stays visible and increases in value.

Get more information and real examples of these strategies in the Subscription Article "Moving from Passive Visibility to Active Viewing" in which I provide details of how we developed some standard solutions that have proven successful in increasing the use of our information deliverables.


Keep it Brief

Keeping our messages brief and clear seems incredibly obvious, but information professionals often struggle to do this well. Comfortable with information details, they often pass more information than is needed to clients. 

Instead, info pros should think of creating communications with concise and clear messages along the lines of what an advertiser needs to do in a 60-second spot.

Putting rigorous constraints around the length and extent of email texts, research deliverables, and websites can clarify messaging and increase visibility.

Make it Relevant

Rather than highlighting information organisation offerings and solutions, focus instead on the value for the end user. Ask, what does the client want? Then, position your solutions to answer that need. 

Use Multimedia, and Particularly Video to Deliver Information

Why video? It's mobile friendly, it can quickly express in a visual manner what in other formats would take lengthy explanation, and combined with audio it can generate an emotional response from information clients.

Track User Behaviour, and Make Changes Based on This Data

Many information professionals have difficulty tracking usage metrics and user behaviour and either don't do it at all or do it sporadically. 

Collecting this information should be a high priority. Not only is it critical for developing responsive strategic direction, it can also become a valuable information deliverable in its own right.

Instigating a culture of quickly responding to usage information keeps deliverables relevant in a fast paced world. Seeking constant improvement even if a solution is well received, is important.

The question that should be asked consistently is "How can we do this better?". Having the appropriate data to strategically answer this question is critical to successful, relevant and visible information solutions.

This Blog Item is part of the FreePint Topic Series "Making Information Visible".

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