Robin Neidorf Subscription Update for Vendors
Jinfo Blog

21st January 2015

By Robin Neidorf


Vendors of information products and services use FreePint for competitive and market intelligence... we've identified some of FreePint's recent articles and reviews in this field, and highlighted relevant Community of Practice events and consulting services to vendors.


Content (Articles, Reports and Webinars)

For a peek inside competitive products, FreePint's product reviews provide unique perspective for vendors. Recent reviews include:

While our "product reviews" category page provides a reverse-chronological list of recent reviews, you can always check to see if we've covered a product or vendor of interest by entering the name in our site search.

We ran a webinar in December 2014, providing an overview of the competitive market for news content. If you missed this session, you can request access to the recorded version.

In addition to competitive intelligence, you can use FreePint to better understand how information managers are thinking about and tackling challenges related to information strategy.

Copyright, usage and licensing are critical concerns, and recent articles provide Q&A on top licensing questions, as well as expert advice on global usage and sharing

Information managers are also keenly aware of the need to make the right information visible at the point of need for users - a concern they share with vendors of information products. "What is Visibility?" explains FreePint's research-based approach, relying on the right combination of technology, content and user behaviour. 

We'll be exploring this subject in the upcoming FreePint Webinar: User Behaviour and Visibility, in February 2015.

Visibility is an area in which information managers and vendors can partner more effectively to serve the needs of their mutual customer: the end user. That's why the current FreePint Topic Series "Making Information Visible" holds interest for all stakeholders. You can register your interest in this Topic Series (free) to get regular updates of its resources.

We're also already planning the next Topic Series, to run from April - June 2015: "Best Practices in Information Skills Development". This is another area in which vendors and information managers can work together, towards the mutual goal of improving skills of both end users and information professionals. And if you think your training programme fits the description of "best practices", contact us and let us know - we might feature you in this series.


In October and November of 2014, we ran two buyer-seller Communities of Practice sessions on "Visibility and Value for End Users" - first in London, and then in New York. These sessions enable information managers and vendors to work together in a confidential meeting on subjects of mutual interest. 

We expect our next buyer-seller sessions to run in May 2015, as part of the series on information skills development - another area in which information managers and vendors share goals and objectives.


FreePint provides a range of consulting services to vendors, including custom briefings on our research, competitive analysis, user surveys and more. With a FreePint Subscription at the Consulting level, vendors can also take advantage of sponsorship opportunities to align messaging and brand with strategic insight information buyers rely on.

FreePint Subscription at the Content level gives access to all FreePint articles, reports and webinars, at the Community level gives access to all FreePint Communities of Practice (as well as all FreePint Content), and at the Consulting level adds a credit for up to six hours of annual consulting time. Find out more.

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