Robin Neidorf FreePint Research Investigates - How Satisfied are Nexis and Factiva Users?
Jinfo Blog

3rd November 2014

By Robin Neidorf


Robin Neidorf presents initial results from the seventh annual FreePint Survey: News Needs & Preferences - and there's still time to participate in the research.



FreePint Topic Series: News, and BeyondThe final week of data collection for the FreePint Survey: News Needs & Preferences is underway. If you haven't yet done so, you still have time to complete the survey and get a copy of the full results as our thank you.

To give you a taste of what you'll learn, we've done a preliminary analysis on how satisfied respondents to date are with the two market leaders for news content: Factiva and Nexis.

We ask respondents to name their primary product for news content, and then answer a series of questions about their satisfaction with that product. Of the 200+ responses to date, around one-third name Factiva as their primary product and one-quarter name Nexis as their primary product.

To gauge satisfaction, we ask respondents to rate their agreement with a number of statements about their primary product. These statements include:

  • Search functions are effective
  • Mobile options for this product are useful to us
  • Members of our organisation get value from this product
  • This product integrates effectively into our work processes
  • Reporting formats serve our needs
  • This product offers appropriate scope of content for our needs
  • Vendor training for this product meets our needs
  • Search functions are easy to use
  • This company provides helpful customer service
  • Our contract price is appropriate for the value we get
  • Distribution and reuse terms are appropriate to our needs.

Respondents can rate each statement on a scale of 1 - 4, where 1 = completely disagree and 4 = completely agree.

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Figure 1: Shows the average ratings for these statements, based on the subsets of respondents who name Factiva as their preferred product and those who name Nexis.

Factiva purchasers generate higher average satisfaction ratings than Nexis purchasers for areas like scope of content, ease of use, and the overall value that users get from the product. Nexis purchasers generate higher average satisfaction ratings for customer service, training, and - critically - price compared with value.

Neither supplier earns very high average ratings for the usefulness of its mobile options, a product feature that has become demonstrably more important to buyers over the seven years in which we have been conducting this research.

Because we have comparable data from previous years, we are also able to compare data from 2014 responses to those of previous years.

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Figure 2: Compares average ratings for these satisfaction statements from respondents who named Factiva as their primary product in 2014, 2013 and 2012.

The impact of a year of uncertainty around the future of Factiva can be seen in the data: average satisfaction ratings have declined significantly for nearly every statement.

Complete the Survey; Receive the Results

You can still complete the survey until Friday, 7th November. If you provide an email address at the end, you will receive a copy of the full report upon publication, providing you with insights on:

  • Which variables matter to information managers as they make and recommend news content acquisition
  • How "value" is perceived around news content
  • Which suppliers are getting more attention from buyers and which are being considered for replacement
  • How much staff time goes into current awareness newsletters and how information managers feel about it.

Complete the survey now

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