Robin Neidorf Compliance Series, Subscription Content
Jinfo Blog

5th September 2013

By Robin Neidorf


The FreePint Topic Series: Compliance in Context is launched, and the Topic Series: Beyond Aggregation is underway. Learn more about these series and how you can benefit from registering for them. Other new content in FreePint is highlighted, including product reviews, industry commentary, source updates and more.


Compliance Series, Subscription Content

This week saw the launch of the FreePint Topic Series: Compliance in Context, with two contributions from Chris Porter: an in-depth review of BvD's Compliance Catalyst and an overview article on products that serve this space.

Producer Andrew Lucas' editorial offers a preview of what else is coming: More expert-written articles to support your understanding of this complex and critical area of information work, plus additional in-depth reviews and Q&A articles that provide insight into how vendors tackle the challenge of workflow-optimised compliance tools.

I'm looking forward to deepening my own understanding of compliance products and workflows. If you share my interest in learning about PEPs, AML, KYC and related spoonfuls of alphabet soup, register your interest today. You'll get a complimentary copy of the FreePint Report: Buyer's Guide on Compliance upon publication in October; early notification of free webinar registration; and regular updates from Andrew Lucas about the series as it unfolds.

Our next Topic Series is also developing nicely. Producer Andrew Grave (no, it's not a requirement that producers be named "Andrew") has fleshed out the FreePint Topic Series: Beyond Aggregation, and his first editorial will give you a taster of what's coming: Discussion of the impact of paywalls on availability of newspaper content; analysis of Dow Jones' product strategy vis-a-vis Factiva; a market map of the competitive and crowded world of news aggregation; and a primer on DIY news aggregation and awareness. 

Add in FreePint's 6th annual Survey on News Needs and Preferences (complete the survey now if you haven't yet had a chance), and I'm betting this Topic Series will capture your interest from one angle or another. Register your interest now.

Also In FreePint...

You can always count of FreePint for useful, relevant articles and reports. Recent additions include:

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