Jennifer Jones Archiving social media content/context - more questions than answers? [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

1st June 2011

By Jennifer Jones


As Twitter does not provide a long term storage solution for tweets this leaves researchers with a dilemma. How should tweets be stored so that both the content and the context are retained, and the resource is searchable? Jennifer Jones looks at the possibilities but concludes that there are still more questions than answers.


As Twitter does not provide a long term storage solution for tweets this leaves researchers with a dilemma. How should tweets be stored so that both the content and the context are retained, and the resource is searchable? Jennifer Jones looks at the possibilities but concludes that there are still more questions than answers.

What’s inside

Twitter only stores and around five days.There are solutions, such as the Twitter archiver TwapperKeeper which allows for the external capture of tweets via a spreadsheet. However, after recent reports of closure and then subsequent reopening of the ability to export and download tweets from Twitter’s API, many discussions have been sparked around the long lasting alternatives for storing Twitter data for later use. It is not simply a case of collecting and managing data, but instead it’s about trying to seek and explore the best method in which to maintain context before it crumbles away. Similarly, there is no catch-up solution, nor are these ideas exhaustive in their approach.


This is a brief abstract of the full article. FUMSI subscribers can log in to MyShop at FreePint view the full article. Others can subscribe to FUMSI now for access to the complete archive of FUMSI articles. 

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