Karen Loasby Automatic Classification: A Panel Discussion [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

4th January 2009

By Karen Loasby


The goal of automatic classification systems, whether rules-based or Bayesian, is to apply metadata in a way to make user access to content meaningful and scalable. Following their recent presentation on the topic to the International Society for Knowledge Organization UK (ISKO UK), Karen Loasby interviews fellow panelists Silver Oliver and Helen Lippell on the opportunities and challenges presented by automatic classification.


The goal of automatic classification systems, whether rules-based or Bayesian, is to apply metadata in a way to make user access to content meaningful and scalable. Following their recent presentation on the topic to the International Society for Knowledge Organization UK (ISKO UK), Karen Loasby interviews fellow panelists Silver Oliver and Helen Lippell on the opportunities and challenges presented by automatic classification.

What's Inside

The main barrier to successful implementation of automatic classification systems is the English language itself! The quirks that make English fantastic for cryptic crosswords are the ones that cause ambiguity, multiple meanings, and flexibility in parts of speech. Words shift meaning over time, new words come into the language, and idioms can be a nightmare.


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