Stephen Phillips Retrieval Augmented Generation and other industry analysis; How to evaluate market research; Vendor takeover strategies
Jinfo Blog

3rd September 2024

By Stephen Phillips


A look at:
  • The opportunity of Retrieval Augmented Generation for information managers
  • Practical techniques to critically evaluate market research vendors
  • Strategies for handling vendor takeovers and mergers.


In our latest article – "What is Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and how might it impact research?" – we've been looking at why RAG is important for information managers.

Until recently, Internet search and GenAI have been distinct technologies. Google, Bing and others provide search results with a brief description, whilst ChatGPT, Google Gemini and the like, are providing AI-generated summaries.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is the convergence of traditional Internet search capability with the use of Large Language Models (LLMs).

Although this is not new (Perplexity, AgentGPT and have been around for a while, and some vendors have added it to their existing products), the evolution of internet search is set to be turbocharged, as OpenAI and Google go head-to-head with the anticipated release of GPTSearch and Google AI Overviews.

Read the article for our in-depth analysis of the developments, and recommended actions for information managers.

Jinfo's finger on the pulse

Have you seen our other recent articles, with analysis and recommended actions for a range of recent industry developments?:

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"Your articles on recent transactions have some great advice and practical guidance to respond to these developments"

Evaluating market research

Our next Community session is "Evaluating sources of market and industry research" (September 26th):

  • Established vendors have been joined by a long list of new entrants in recent years.  GenAI is making it even easier for new players to create research reports that may lack the quality demanded by your stakeholders and users.

  • So, what should you do when a client sends you a request to buy a report from an unknown vendor?  Or when a researcher wants to get a report from one of these new publishers?

  • We will be joined by an industry expert to share practical techniques to critically evaluate a vendor, and assess the veracity of their research before making a purchase.

Register now

Vendor takeover strategies

There are so many takeovers, mergers and PE investments in the news right now, either rumoured or announced.

Our latest Jinfo report "Strategies for dealing with vendor takeovers, mergers, consolidations and buyouts" helps information managers formulate a strategy should a vendor have a change of ownership.

It explores the proactive steps you should take in response to a change of control, and how you might use it to your advantage to achieve a"win-win" from the situation.

Read the report

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