Mary Chitty

Mary Chitty is library director and taxonomist at Cambridge Healthtech in Needham Massachusetts, and the editor of "Biopharmaceutical Glossaries & Taxonomies". She is an author and book reviewer for Library Journal, BioIT World and Clinical Informatics News. She is past-chair of the Special Libraries Association SLA Pharmaceutical & Health Technologies Division, and was on the initial executive board of SLA"s Taxonomy Division. She has an MSLS from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and a BA in Anthropology from Yale and can be reached at or LinkedIn.

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Articles by Mary Chitty:

My Favourite Tipples from a biopharma librarian and taxonomist
Wednesday, 20th February 2019

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Mary Chitty of life science network Cambridge Healthtech Institute. She shares some of her preferred resources in areas from biomedical to innovative medicines and leadership skills.