Virginia Power

Virginia is an information professional, academic and technology specialist with over 35 years" information services management experience within academic and cultural heritage sectors. She is a lecturer at the University of the West of England (UWE) in Bristol, lecturing in Information Science & Management. Virginia is studying for her PhD in participatory culture and the role of social media affordances in information repositories. She is CILIP"s Information Manager of the Year 2018.

Virginia"s academic specialisms include knowledge management in corporate settings and human aspects of technological development, including user experience, human-computer interaction, information governance and compliance, and business technology ethics. She can be contacted via UWE.

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Articles by Virginia Power:

My Favourite Tipples from a university lecturer in information science & management
Thursday, 8th November 2018

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Virginia Power, a lecturer and PhD student at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Virginia is CILIP'S UKeIG/K&IM specialist groups Information Manager of the Year 2018. She shares some of the specialised resources she uses for her lectures and tutorials in information science and management.