Natasha Chowdory

Natasha Chowdory has worked in the information profession for the last six years. She started as an assistant at Microsoft UK, and completed her second MSc, in Information and Library Studies, while working full-time. Following Microsoft, she went onto an information officer role at Oxfam, which took her to Geneva, Kenya and the Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Cox"s Bazaar, Bangladesh. Most recently, she did a stint as a database officer at a construction consultancy. She is now a clinical information specialist at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. She blogs at: and tweets at: @InfoPro_Tasha.

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Articles by Natasha Chowdory:

Q&A with's Erik Schultes
Thursday, 12th March 2020

We interview Erik Schultes - the International Science Coordinator at the GO FAIR International Support and Coordination Office (GFISCO). In recent years, Erik has been working with a diverse community of stakeholders to develop FAIR data and services within and outside the life sciences. We used this interview to explore what GO FAIR is all about and what its aims are.

My Favourite Tipples from a clinical librarian and search specialist
Wednesday, 24th October 2018

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Natasha Chowdory, a clinical information specialist in the NHS. She shares some of the specialised resources she uses for healthcare and biomedical topics.

My Favourite Tipples from a Data Science Enthusiast
Thursday, 21st April 2016

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Natasha Chowdory, an assistant librarian in a specialist technical library at Microsoft. Natasha shares some of her go-to resources in the field of personal development and big data.

My Favourite Tipples from an Assistant Librarian in a Technical Library
Thursday, 9th October 2014

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Natasha S. Chowdory, who works for a specialist technical library at Microsoft. She shares some of her favourite online resources in areas from personal development to product innovations and technology trends.