FreePint Newsletter 175 - Networking and Awards FreePint "Helping 72,000 people use the Web for their work" ISSN 1460-7239 27th January 2005 No.175 > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ALTERNATIVE NEWSLETTER FORMATS AVAILABLE AT: > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = IN THIS ISSUE ------------- EDITORIAL By William Hann MY FAVOURITE TIPPLES By Robert Ashton FREEPINT BAR In Association with Factiva a Dow Jones & Reuters Company JINFO :: JOBS IN INFORMATION Part Time Cataloguer Intranet Manager (6-9 month contract) TIPS ARTICLE "Professional Networking Online" By Priscilla K. Shontz BOOKSHELF "The Web Library: building a world class personal library with free web resources" Reviewed by Anne Esler FEATURE ARTICLE "Business awards: a review of the UK market" By Diana Nutting EVENTS, GOLD AND FORTHCOMING ARTICLES CONTACT INFORMATION ONLINE VERSION WITH ACTIVATED HYPERLINKS FULLY FORMATTED VERSION > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > = = = = = = = = = = = = = ADVERTISEMENT = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ** PLANNING YOUR NEXT CAREER MOVE? CILIP CAN HELP ** We support you from university right through to your next plum job. How? By being one of the world's biggest membership organisations for information professionals - helping people just like you. But you'll have to hurry to claim your Prompt Payment membership discount - offer closes Mar 1 (or Feb 14 for direct debits). So email 'FreePint' and your contact details to . Or visit for more information. > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [ci1751] > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = *** VIP No.14 :: In-depth review of EBSCOhost *** Joining the recent reviews of Factiva, Lexis/Nexis and Dialog, this month's VIP provides an in-depth review of EBSCOhost. VIP Eye also comments on the latest news announcements. > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = *** ABOUT FREEPINT *** FreePint is an online network of information searchers. Members receive this free newsletter twice a month: it is packed with tips on finding quality and reliable business information on the Internet. Joining is free at and provides access to a substantial archive of articles, reviews, jobs and events, with answers to research questions and networking at the FreePint Bar. Please circulate this newsletter, which is best read when printed out. To receive a fully-formatted version as an attachment or a brief notification when it's online, visit . > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = EDITORIAL By William Hann In the last editorial I was talking about the importance of on-going reinvention and regeneration -- of ourselves as individuals and the organisations we work for. Always ones to practice what we preach, we're today launching: 'Jinfo :: Jobs in information' 'Jinfo' is the rebirth of 'FreePint Jobs', and it feels right to separate out this important part of the FreePint site -- to give it its own identity. The twice-monthly email bulletin, listing the latest vacancies and career advice, has become the 'Jinfo Newsletter'. There is a brand new newsletter archive too, so you can read past editions and subscribe to receive it by email at: . With recent articles such as "The Importance of a CV", "What Are You Reading?" and "The Wonderful World of Information", the Jinfo Newsletter always makes a good read. Although Jinfo primarily lists UK information jobs, we'd love to hear from potential partners abroad. Of course, we also have lots of career advice right here in the FreePint Newsletter, and today is no exception. We're reminded below about the importance of professional networking, and the various forms it can take. It's so easy to forget about the importance of the human network when we sit in front of a computer all day. Achievement and development is also encouraged in today's second article. Business awards are a great time for reflection and a pat on the back, something we're not so good at here in the UK. At FreePint we love being involved with the annual Online Information Industry Awards; the best bit for me is contacting the winners of the award and telling them they've won . Whether you've already broken all your New Year resolutions, or didn't make any this year, do at least acknowledge the importance of regeneration and networking. Why not check out the career advice at Jinfo or send an email to someone you haven't contacted in a while. You could even forward this issue of FreePint to them. William Hann Managing Editor and Founder, FreePint e: t: 0870 141 7474 i: +44 870 141 7474 FreePint is a Registered Trademark of Free Pint Limited (R) 1997-2005 > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > = = = = = = = = = = = = = ADVERTISEMENT = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Introducing MINT - a fresh approach to company information from Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing To register for a FREE trial visit Companies, news, industry research and directors in a single easy to use information database for research, sales, marketing and business development professionals. > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [bv1752] > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = *** "Information Auditing: A guide for information managers" *** ISBN: 1-904769-08-X This in-depth report is published by FreePint and offers an overview and practical insight into information auditing, drawing on practical examples and recognised audit methods. "Well written and concise ... It's up to date, easy to digest and nicely structured." Find out more at: > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MY FAVOURITE TIPPLES By Robert Ashton * BBC News - thousands of pages, continually updated. Authoritative without being dull. Interesting without being lightweight. The alternative global homepage, which gives you a world perspective if you're not UK based, is also a nice touch. * Google - Google reinvented the search engine, stripping it down to its bare essentials. And it works fantastically well. An excellent example of how simpler is often better. * - a whole world of business information, much of it still free. * Avant Go - I'm a bit of a technojunkie. So AvantGo's news service for electronic organisers suits me down to the ground. It allows you to put content from some of the best news sites in your back pocket (including and BBC News). Very clever. Free too. * BBC Radio 4 Listen Again - I was always missing programmes on Radio 4, either because I forgot they were on or because they were broadcast during the day. Then I discovered this site, which lets you listen to them whenever you like. It even links into individual programme websites. Technology at its best. > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robert Ashton is Managing Director of business writing specialists Emphasis . Submit your top five favourite Web sites. See the guidelines at . > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > = = = = = = = = = = = = = ADVERTISEMENT = = = = = = = = = = = = = = *** SLA Europe Information Professional Award *** Each year Factiva sponsors SLA Europe Information Professional Award (SLA EIP). Nominate yourself or a colleague and win this prestigious award and an all expenses paid trip to the conference in Toronto. Entries by 28th February 2005. For more details about the EIP award visit: > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [fa1753] *** Jinfo :: Jobs in information *** Jinfo is a database of 100 information-related job vacancies. The Jinfo Newsletter is published twice-monthly and lists the latest jobs and gives career advice and tips. Search the database and subscribe to the newsletter at: > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = FREEPINT BAR In Association with Factiva a Dow Jones & Reuters Company FreePint tries to cover all things 'information', and the last couple of weeks at the Bar have seen a wide variety of requests and concerns aired. Can you help with resources that outline minimum standards for secure storage of archived documents? . Is there a list of European-based information brokers? . Can you give advice on whether UK legislation is exempt from copyright? . When communicating with industry partners, how do you mark documents which contain material that is potentially exempt from freedom of information legislation? . The news of Aslib folding and being reborn has been discussed heavily at the Bar and in other information publications and lists. There are regularly requests at the Bar for tools to help reformat and repurpose retrieved information , and it's something we'll be looking at in more depth in a future edition of VIP . This month's VIP has been published, and contains a review of EBSCOhost and a feature about directory publishing . The VIP Wire (information industry press release database) is proving extremely popular, with its free weekly Wire Digest . We've added a DigBig box to the posting form at the Bar, to make it quick and easy to shorten Web addresses when you're making a posting . Can you help someone trying to compile a list of aggregators and indexers (secondary publishers)? . Would you like to take part in some DTI research into why women are leaving the IT industry? . Is there a comprehensive global list of consumer products, preferably indicating the most visible ones? . The thread about running backups for a small office has seen some interesting replies, from software solutions to online services . Any experience of putting barcode stickers on CDs/DVDs? . Finally, there's been an interesting ephemeral thread on the possible mis-attribution of a quotation to Darwin . If you'd like to receive a twice-weekly summary of the latest postings to the Bar, in plain text or HTML format, visit . William Hann Founder and Managing Editor, FreePint > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The FreePint Bar is where you can get free help with your tricky research questions Help with study for information-related courses is available at the FreePint Student Bar . Twice-weekly email digests of the latest postings can be requested at . > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > = = = = = = = = = = = = = ADVERTISEMENT = = = = = = = = = = = = = = *** VIP reviews EBSCO's business products *** EBSCO's business databases for corporate, government and academic institutions are reviewed in the current issue of VIP, together with a preview of EBSCO's new interface, not yet released. Plus, a look at why ELC believes that directory publishing isn't dead. > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [vi1754] *** Do you publish email newsletters? *** Tired of handling subscriptions and bounces? Want detailed reports on successes/failures? Find out more about the Willco Lists Module. It takes all the drudgery out of publishing: > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Jinfo :: Jobs in information Jinfo is a database of information-related job vacancies. The Jinfo Newsletter is published free every two weeks, and contains a list of the latest vacancies along with job seeking advice. The latest editorial is entitled "The Importance of a CV". To read the latest Jinfo Newsletter and subscribe to receive it twice-monthly, visit . Here are some of the latest featured jobs: Part Time Cataloguer Surprising number of Part-Time jobs avail, in Essex, Birmingham, Berkshire - this is one of them, see our web site for the others. Recruiter: Sue Hill Recruitment Intranet Manager (6-9 month contract) Maternity Leave position for qualified Intranet Content Manager with at least 3 years experience and basic HTML skills. Recruiter: Glen Recruitment NB: There are 49 other jobs in the current edition of the Jinfo Newsletter and over 100 in the Jinfo database. [The above jobs are paid listings] Jinfo -- the best place for information-related job vacancies. * JOB SEARCHING -- Free search and sign up to the Jinfo Newsletter. * RECRUITING -- Complete the form and advertise a vacancy for only GBP195 . 50% discount for registered charities. 10% discount for agencies. Find out more today at > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > = = = = = = = = = = = = = ADVERTISEMENT = = = = = = = = = = = = = = --- GLEN RECRUITMENT --- Glen Recruitment is a leading independent Employment Consultancy dealing in the recruitment of Information Specialists, Knowledge Professionals, Business Analysts, Researchers and Librarians. We provide both permanent and temporary staff at all levels from senior managers to recent graduates. Our client list could not be more exceptional and includes prestigious organisations of all sizes. For more details call 020 7745 7245 email > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [gl1755] *** How do you get maximum exposure to the FreePint network? *** Onopoly is a one-stop-shop for information about advertising across the range of sites in the FreePint network: FreePint | VIP | Jinfo | ResourceShelf | DigBig Download ratecards and presentations, and subscribe to the Onopoly Update for the latest offers: > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = TIPS ARTICLE "Professional Networking Online" By Priscilla K. Shontz We've all heard the phrase "It's who you know". A recent Wired magazine article expanded this statement to say "It's not so much who you know, but who you vaguely know". In other words, most jobs and career opportunities come through people you don't know well - people you've met through networking. Networking helps your career in many ways. In addition to exchanging information that might help you on your job, you can find mentors, learn of job opportunities, find project partners, get new ideas and broaden your perspectives. The online environment allows you to communicate more easily, quickly and widely - even internationally. Online communication helps prevent feelings of isolation, particularly for those who work alone or live in rural areas. So how can you network more effectively online? Your Online Presence -------------------- Do you have an online presence? Search for your name on an Internet search engine such as Google . You might be surprised at what you find! Committee minutes, discussion lists, and newsletters are often archived; you might find old messages, news or other information about yourself online. Consider what a potential employer, colleague or client might find if he or she were to search for your name. Are you pleased with what you've found? How can you use email, discussion lists, or web publications to expand your network and improve your online presence? Email ----- * Sound as if you mean business - Use a professional-sounding email address. A free or personal email account is fine, but professional contacts may not be impressed with a cutesy email name like PartyGrrrl247. Consider getting your own domain name; this creates an email address that is easy for others to remember, and provides continuity should you change jobs. * Introduce yourself - Don't be afraid to email people you haven't met. Perhaps you have just read an article, attended a presentation or read an interesting post on a discussion list. Tell the author or speaker that you enjoyed the presentation, message or article. Use your network to expand your network; ask contacts to recommend others who might help with specific questions or projects. Sometimes contacts such as these can lead to joint projects (such as co-authoring an article) or other opportunities. You could also use email to set up face-to-face meetings. * Be clear - After drafting your email, reread it carefully to make sure it sounds coherent, professional and accurate. * Volunteer - Some professional associations offer the opportunity to serve as a "virtual" committee member if you can't attend conferences. Join professional associations, volunteer for committee assignments, participate actively in your committee by email, and volunteer for leadership positions. You may work online with people who can later provide job references or offer other opportunities. * Nurture your relationships - Stay connected with your contacts. Perhaps you can't attend conferences regularly or you have contacts in faraway places; email those people periodically to ask how they are doing and to let them know what you're up to. For example, let your contacts know if you change jobs. Staying in touch helps others remember you when they hear of opportunities that might interest you. Discussion Lists ---------------- * Subscribe - Find appropriate discussion lists through friends and colleagues, publications, professional associations and websites such as Library-Oriented Lists and Electronic Serials , Library and Archives Canada or Australian Library and Information Association . * Prevent email overload - Manage your discussion list email so that it doesn't take over your inbox. Set up email filters for each discussion list so that mail will be filed in a folder instead of your inbox. Most lists give you an option to receive mail in digest form so that you can receive multiple posts in one email message. * Listen before you speak - Lurk for a while before you begin posting on a list. Learn what topics are discussed, what the tone of the list is, and who the active posters are before you say too much. * Be an active participant - Posting relevant and thoughtful messages can help you establish name recognition and credibility in your field. It can also lead to new opportunities. For example, I often find topics and authors for LIScareer articles through discussion lists. Web Publications ---------------- * Consider your goals - When publishing something online, decide first what you want to achieve. Do you want to provide potential employers with an online version of your resume to prove that you have web editing skills? Do you want to offer a service? Do you want to try to make money? Do you want to share personal opinions? Your purpose may determine the type of web publication you create. * Select your venue - You can establish an online presence through various types of publications such as websites, weblogs, electronic journals, online portfolios and online resumes. Many librarians have created sites to help fellow librarians or Internet users; two examples are the Librarians' Index to the Internet and . Some librarians share news and opinions in blogs such as or Library Stuff . The LIScareer article "Online Portfolios, or 'WOW! Look at Everything I've Done!'" offers advice for marketing your skills using an online portfolio. Also consider contributing to an existing web resource; for instance, write an article for FreePint ! * Make it accessible - Check your web resource in various Internet browsers to be sure it looks the way you intended. The Website Accessibility Initiative provides helpful design guidelines. General Do's and Don'ts ----------------------- * Be professional - Consider everything you say to be public. Of course we all have the right to speak our mind, and discussion lists often offer a forum to vent or share problems with others who may sympathize. Use common sense, though, when posting to a discussion list or emailing someone. Think carefully before criticizing your boss or workplace, for example. Remember that email is easily forwarded and discussion lists are often archived online. You never know who is reading the list. It's quite likely that your boss or colleagues read the same list, or that someone who reads the list may know someone at your organization. Don't say anything you wouldn't want broadcast publicly. * It's not only what you say, it's how you say it - Since email messages lack nonverbal cues, reread your message before sending it to be sure it sounds professional and courteous. Be especially cautious about sending angry emails. Sites such as 'The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette' offer basic online communication guidelines. * Don't clutter other people's email boxes - Don't forward junk email such as jokes or possible hoaxes. You can check out suspicious messages at sites such as Hoaxbusters . Don't use a discussion list for class assignments (unless that's the purpose of the list); explain what you have already done when asking others for help, so that you don't appear to be asking others to do your work for you. Don't chime in unnecessarily (as in "I agree!"). Sometimes it's more appropriate to respond to an individual than a list. When replying, check your To:, Cc: and Bcc: fields to make sure you're sending only to the intended recipients. * Keep it simple - Use easy-to-read fonts and colours in your email messages. Include a simple, professional signature file. Design websites that are logical to navigate and include a contact method. * Be safe - Be careful how much personal information you share online. Some experts recommend setting up a separate email address for networking and eliminating personal information connected with that account. When posting online resumes or portfolios, remove personal information such as your home address or phone number. * Think of others - Demonstrate your willingness to help others succeed. If you see something that might interest one of your contacts, pass it on. Connect people to help them expand their networks. You may soon become known as "someone who knows people". Be courteous; say thank you. Others will appreciate your thoughtfulness and may return the favour someday. To Infinity and Beyond ---------------------- You can expand your network almost infinitely by taking advantage of online resources such as email, discussion lists and web publications. Through online networking you can meet people, market your skills, find jobs, collaborate on projects, contribute to your profession, gain fresh perspectives and make friends. Conducting your online interactions professionally will help you build a strong online presence that may lead to new relationships and opportunities. Additional Resources -------------------- * Belilos, Claire. "Networking on the Net: Professionalism, Ethics and Courtesy on the Net." . * Gordon, Rachel Singer and Sarah L. Nesbeitt. "Market Yourself Online." Marketing Library Services 15:7 (Oct/Nov 2001) . * Murray, Richard A. "Virtual Discussions: Establishing a Positive Online Presence for Yourself." Informed Librarian Online, June 2004 . * Rossheim, John. "How to Network Online - Safely." . * Sinclair, Kate. "Click to Connect! Successful Online Communication." The Librarian's Career Guidebook. Ed. Priscilla K. Shontz. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2004. 438-446. Excerpt at . * Zucker, Rebecca. "Staying Networked." . > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Priscilla K. Shontz is editor of The Librarian's Career Guidebook and author of 'Jump Start Your Career in Library and Information Science'. She is editor and webmaster of LIScareer , a career website for library and information professionals. You can find her resume and contact information at . Because she currently works at home, online networking is a vital and very beneficial part of her life. > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Related FreePint links: * 'Employment/Recruitment/HR' articles in the FreePint Portal * Post a message to the author, Priscilla Shontz, or suggest further resources at the FreePint Bar * Read this article online, with activated hyperlinks * Access the entire archive of FreePint content > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = *** How do YOU use DigBig? *** "The job I'm in means I have very limited word space for web page links for my customers, so your site is brilliant! So useful!" Internet Researcher, UK Read how other people use DigBig to shorten long Web addresses: > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = FREEPINT BOOKSHELF "The Web Library: building a world class personal library with free web resources" By Nicholas G. Tomaiuolo Reviewed by Anne Esler Nicholas Tomaiuolo's book, The Web Library: Building a World Class Personal Library with Free Web Resources, is a treasure trove of high- quality websites for research and reference, offered up with a charming puckish sense of humour. If you've ever felt frustrated and overwhelmed at finding high-quality web information then this is the book for you. Mr. Tomaiuolo's book is organized into nine chapters that discuss free or low-cost resources which are similar to those offered by physical libraries. Bookmarking these websites gives the librarian a tremendous "web library" at the click of a mouse. Each chapter covers topics ranging from finding full-text articles, reference sources, digital reference and e-texts. Each chapter also has an in-depth interview with an information expert behind some of the best online reference sources. I found the interviews offer insight into how some of the most popular web resources were developed and plans for future growth. The interviews also provide some powerful food for thought for the future of online reference resources. Endnotes at the end of each chapter are extensive and underscore the detail of Mr. Tomaiuolo's work. In the chapter entitled " Ready or Not: Reference on the Web", the author notes an interesting economic comparison highlighting the savings of website reference to subscription or one-time purchase of print material. While savings from, for example, using would equal USD1000 in free versus fee resources, the real savings come from constant updating of material, which is noted as "priceless". The book has a link to an updated website which lists the hyperlinked websites from the book plus new resources which are clearly marked with a yellow "sticker". The web resources are divided in the same organization as the chapters the book. Mr. Tomaiuolo's humour is delightful. Chapter 7 entitled "Pixels at an Exhibition" discussing online exhibits from museums to the Library of Congress brought a chuckle as it is a clever play on Mussorgsky's wonderful musical piece, "Pictures at an Exhibition" describing paintings in an exhibit. The author's humour is sprinkled throughout the book. Nicholas Tomaiuolo's The Web Library is a solid addition to academic, public or corporate library reference desks. No librarian should be without a copy of this book on his or her desktop with the accompanying link to the companion website on his or her virtual desktop. > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Anne Esler is an Assistant Professor and Information Services Librarian at Newman Library at Baruch College (CUNY) in New York City. She specializes in business information reference and research. She has a Masters of Library Science and a Masters of Business Administration. > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Related FreePint links: * Find out more about this book online at the FreePint Bookshelf * Read customer comments and buy this book at or * "The Web Library" ISBN 0910965676, published by CyberAge Books . * Search for and purchase any book from Amazon via the FreePint Bookshelf at * Read about other Internet Strategy books on the FreePint Bookshelf To propose an information-related book for review, send details to . > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = *** Want to contribute to FreePint? Have a report idea? *** Find out more about the benefits (both promotional and financial) of contributing an article or report to FreePint. Sign-up to the FreePint Author Update for quarterly suggestions of ways to contribute: > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = FEATURE ARTICLE "Business awards: a review of the UK market" By Diana Nutting It's a black tie occasion at a glitzy hotel, and perhaps the chance to shake hands with a celebrity. Business awards ceremonies are becoming ever more popular. Winning one of the more prestigious awards can confer status and credibility, and just doing the entry gives a company the chance to look inwardly at its operations with a rigour that might otherwise be lacking. The chance to network at awards dinners is a key reason for being there and many companies choose such occasions as corporate hospitality opportunities. For the business community as a whole, awards can be an inspiration from the example of the winners. Finding the right competition to enter can be daunting, as there are more and more to choose from. This article summarises some of the UK business awards available that are competitive and demand a written entry from the participants. Not all awards have a track record or longevity. Look for some stability and industry credibility for any awards that interest you. Think about who you need to communicate with about your achievement, and choose your competition according to which sort of publicity it will achieve. You will want the right audience to get the message that your work has been called "the best". International Awards -------------------- Ernst & Young runs its annual Entrepreneur Of The Year award in 35 countries to find the most successful and innovative entrepreneurial business leaders around the world. The next awards ceremony is scheduled to take place in May 2005 in Monte Carlo. Competitors must be owner-managers who are primarily responsible for the recent performance of a privately held business that is at least two years old, or founders of a quoted company that is at least two years old who are active in senior management. The Fast 50 is sponsored by Deloittes, and is designed to identify the trends that are shaping the technology, media and telecommunications sectors. The awards cover nine countries, through a series of regional competitions, and are now in their seventh year in the UK. The ranking features the 50 private and publicly-held companies in the sector that have demonstrated innovative strategies, sound management practices and marketplace vision measured over five years. National Awards --------------- The Queens Awards for Enterprise are probably the most prestigious of all the awards for UK companies, offering worldwide recognition and extensive press coverage. The Awards are presented in three categories: International Trade; Innovation and Sustainable Development. Another very well known national business awards competition is the National Business Awards . There are 24 categories, with a series of regional competitions culminating in the national awards. The National Business Awards attempts to assess both micro-businesses and PLCs on a level playing field. Business in the Community Awards for Excellence recognise companies for integrating responsible business practice into their mainstream operations resulting in a positive impact in the workplace, the marketplace, the environment or the community. The National Training Awards showcase businesses, organisations and individuals who have achieved lasting excellence and success through training and learning. For smaller companies the Growing Business Awards strive to recognise entrepreneurial talent, and the Parcelforce Worldwide Small Business Awards , now in its 12th year, claims to be the largest of its kind in the UK. Its purpose is to recognise and promote the cause of 'excellence' within the small business community through creating awareness, helping SMEs to compete within an ever changing and demanding market. Many awards demand that entrants demonstrate a track record of several years, but the Start Up Awards celebrate the best in new businesses and entrepreneurial activity. Regional Awards --------------- There are many regional and local business awards initiatives. For this article I have concentrated on London because that is where I am based. My own organisation sponsors one of the categories in the London Business Awards, organised by the London Chamber of Commerce, and these sorts of awards are mirrored in towns across the country. The East London & Essex Business Awards are particularly close to my heart because they grew from the East London Blue Ribbon Awards for which I was responsible for two years. Awards for Business Functions ----------------------------- Awards for particular business functions are often categories of more general awards, but there are some that are very specific. I have highlighted marketing as the large number of awards available for different aspects of marketing almost merit an article to themselves. They include awards for: Marketing communications Communicators in Business Awards , Interactive Marketing and Advertising Awards , Campaign Media Awards , Campaign Direct Awards , Campaign Press Advertising Awards . The Interactive Marketing and Advertising Awards is a new award to mark what is currently the fastest growing advertising medium Revolution Awards reward the best in digital marketing and business. MCCA Awards (Marketing Communications Consultants Association) Market research Research Excellence and Effectiveness Awards . Overall marketing effectiveness ------------------------------- The Marketing Week Effectiveness Awards are designed to correct the corporate perception of marketing as a cost rather than an investment, and aim to demonstrate that long-term investment in brands, products and services can result in enhanced profits and shareholder value, Events ------ The Corporate Event Association Awards . ITMA (Incentive Travel and Meetings Association) Awards . Sponsorship ----------- Hollis Sponsorship Awards In some cases, for example the Magazine Design Awards, , the awards were specifically launched to raise and highlight a sector at a time of falling sales. In a different field, there are a growing number of awards in IT, mirroring the importance of the IT function in business. The British Computer Society IT professional awards mark the contribution made by the IT profession to economic prosperity, business efficiency and public services. The ecommerce awards are run by the Department of Trade and Industry, and by InterForum, a not for profit membership organisation that helps British businesses to trade electronically. These awards have been designed to recognise and reward those organisations with less than 250 employees that have demonstrated excellence through the use of the Internet and other information & communications technologies. The International Visual Communication Association Biz-Net Awards were established to promote excellence in the effective use of digital business content over the latest delivery platforms. Business aspects of a subject can often be found as categories in more technical awards. For example in the field of information there are the annual information industry awards, which include a category for the best information team in a business environment . And of course while discussing the international Information Industry awards we must include the FreePint Award for Best Customer Service . Industrial Sectors ------------------ Most industrial sectors have awards which help to publicise the entire sector. Rather than produce a long but incomplete list of industrial sectors which have awards, here is a sample of those in the food and drink industry. Now in their 25th year, the Quality Food and Drink Awards recognise excellence in the quality of food and drink products sold in the grocery retail sector, while the Fresh awards highlight excellence across the fresh produce supply chain. Food From Britain Export Awards celebrate the significant achievements of British food and drink exporters. Awards for Individuals ---------------------- A new award sponsored by Management Today, the Rising Star Awards aims to identify six dynamic high-flyers who stand out from their peers and show exceptional potential for senior management. At the opposite end of the spectrum the Trading Places awards (a government backed initiative) aims to highlight unemployed people who have overcome numerous barriers to transform their lives by setting up their own business. The Shell LiveWire Business Start Up Awards are specifically designed for young people who have recently started businesses. Entrants must be between 16 and 30 and have been in business for between three and eighteen months. Shell also sponsor the Shell Technology Enterprise Awards (STEP) a UK wide programme offering undergraduates technical project-based work within small to medium sized enterprises, with regional and national awards on offer. The NatWest Everywoman Awards reward business women who have achieved significant success, but also women who have overcome adversities such as financial constraints, social disadvantages or skills gaps. Awards for Awards organisers ---------------------------- There are even awards for awards organisers The Events Services Association includes the Event Organiser of the Year Award. There is no definitive list of all the awards available to enter, and finding out about suitable awards depends almost entirely on the PR activities of the awards organisers. The Year Ahead includes some of the major ones. The Chartered Institute of Marketing used to produce a calendar of marketing and industry awards, but this seems to have been discontinued. This article arose from my own need to find a definitive list, and has attempted to highlight the wide range of awards available to enter and show directions in which a search can go. > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diana Nutting is Information Liaison Manager at Business Link for London, responsible for business intelligence and customer research. She specialises in company and market information. Diana started her career as an academic librarian, before moving into market intelligence at, among others, Unilever and Parcelforce, where she started the first market intelligence function. For six years, before joining Business Link For London in July 2003, she ran her own market intelligence consultancy. She has run a regional business awards competition and recently entered and won an information based award. She is writing in a personal capacity. > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Related FreePint links: * 'Finance and Business' articles in the FreePint Portal * Post a message to the author, Diana Nutting, or suggest further resources at the FreePint Bar * Read this article online, with activated hyperlinks * Access the entire archive of FreePint content > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = FORTHCOMING EVENTS United Kingdom: * "Mentoring - Career Development Group (London and South East Divisions) Management Seminar Series" 31st January * "Conducting a knowledge and information audit" 23rd - 24th February * "Identifying and Managing Unstructured Information" 28th February - 1st March * "Legacy Content Migration" 28th February - 1st March * "Knowledge Management - Where and how will companies achieve the big wins?" 9th March * "AUKML Essential Skills for Information Conference 2005" 11th - 13th March Czech Republic: * "INFORUM 2005 : 11th Annual Conference on Professional Information Resources" 24th - 26th May Submit your event for free promotion: Penny > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = FREEPINT GOLD * FreePint No.152 22nd January 2004. 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