Recorded webinars

Jinfo's practical and targeted webinars bring quality professional development to your desktop. Recordings are available through a Jinfo Subscription.

Our unique expertise in distance education ensures that these sessions provide you with new tools and knowledge you can apply immediately.

State of the industry for AI in current awareness and intelligence
25th October 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

[Research Focus: Intelligence systems - beyond awareness to action]

Insights from our latest research into intelligence systems Our research shows that artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics are core elements of intelligence systems - the centrality of these advanced features differentiates intelligence systems from current awareness...

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Shedding light on how to measure value
27th September 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

[Research Focus: Benchmark information roles - Jinfo models of excellence]

Insights from our latest research into quantifying value Defining and proving the value that the information centre adds to the business as a whole is a challenge shared by information professionals across sectors and across countries. How to define measures of value was one of the key...

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State of the industry for automation
23rd August 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

[Research Focus: Benchmark information roles - Jinfo models of excellence]

How can you use automation to better manage your workflow? There are plenty of tools that promise to make our work lives easier and more efficient. But getting away from spreadsheets, emails and to-do lists is easier said than done. It doesn't necessarily mean a jump straight to...

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Practical applications of Jinfo's 2018 benchmarking research
19th July 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

[Research Focus: Benchmark information roles - Jinfo models of excellence]

Find out how our benchmarking data relates to your information service Whether you work in content purchasing, research services, knowledge management or analytics, learning how other information departments function and how you measure up to the best is an intrinsic part of service...

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Intelligence platforms - overcome platform perplexity with our panel discussion
28th June 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

Aggregation and intelligence platforms vary immensely in their ability and approach to incorporating source material, key features and intended end users - which best suits your organisation? Two vendors, Comintelli and Northern Light, join us in this moderated panel discussion where we'll...

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Can you cope with continuous reinvention?
5th June 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

[Research Focus: The information team with the right stuff]

Leadership requires continuous improvement and reinvestment but is often overlooked. It's all too easy to work on specific tasks and busy transactional work but find it hard to justify the time required to think more strategically about the information centre as a senior-level partner to other...

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Identifying your team's skill gaps
8th May 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

[Research Focus: The information team with the right stuff]

Is your team's reputation a true reflection of their skills? Jinfo's research shows that information teams achieve long-term sustainability and relevance when they match their in-depth domain expertise with powerful consulting, communications and engagement skills. But how can you assess and...

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The unique role of information professionals in an AI age
17th April 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

[Research Focus: The information team with the right stuff]

Many information teams are struggling with when, where and how to use machine learning and AI tools in their service. In this webinar we present our research which will help you to identify the activities and services that are mind-driven, which could be machine-driven, and why AI is not yet...

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Mapping the full use-case to create success with analytics
14th March 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

[Research Focus: Stake your claim in the success of data analytics]

Featuring Marc Vollenweider: Co-founder and Chief Strategist of Evalueserve and author of mind+machine. Most analytics projects fail to realise their potential because their owners fail to consider the entire use-case. Applying smart technology to the right datasets is actually only one...

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The trouble with datasets - industry trends on licensing data for analytics projects
6th February 2018

Ended. Recording available. Slide Deck Available.

[Research Focus: Stake your claim in the success of data analytics]

Keen to strengthen your portfolio management and negotiations around third-party data? As more organisations explore and implement data analytics projects, we continue to face the challenges of appropriate licensing: Data suppliers have a range of approaches to licensing... and some still...

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