
Reports that help raise the value of information in your organisation, available through a Jinfo Subscription.

More details about report Market landscape - competitive intelligence products Market landscape - competitive intelligence products
17th August 2016

This report covers eight competitive intelligence products, from general CI and market intelligence...

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More details about report Market landscape - premium suppliers of regulatory filings Market landscape - premium suppliers of regulatory filings
15th August 2016

This report covers five of the best known regulatory filings databases, which offer global or multi-...

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More details about report Product review of ReferenceUSA Product review of ReferenceUSA
15th August 2016

ReferenceUSA, from parent company Infogroup, is an online research tool that provides business and c...

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More details about report Subscription update for information services management Subscription update for information services management
1st August 2016

This monthly update collects the current content relevant to those responsible for information servi...

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More details about report Product review of OneSource platform Product review of OneSource platform
28th July 2016

OneSource is the flagship offering from business information company Avention, last reviewed shortly...

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More details about report Market landscape - company information sources Market landscape - company information sources
27th July 2016

This report covers 14 premium company information providers: Alacra Premium Avention OneSource...

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More details about report Market landscape - open source products Market landscape - open source products
24th July 2016

This report covers eight well known open source products used in areas from discovery to publishing...

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More details about report Product review of Fame, published by Bureau van Dijk Product review of Fame, published by Bureau van Dijk
14th July 2016

Bureau van Dijk's Fame is a company information database focused on UK and Ireland, offering highly...

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More details about report Product review of PatentInspiration Product review of PatentInspiration
7th July 2016

PatentInspiration is a global patent database allowing you to search and analyse patents through a f...

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More details about report Subscription update for information services management Subscription update for information services management
30th June 2016

This monthly update collects the current content relevant to those responsible for information servi...

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