
Reports that help raise the value of information in your organisation, available through a Jinfo Subscription.

More details about report Community deck - build your information strategy – get started, keep going Community deck - build your information strategy – get started, keep going
26th January 2022

Your strategy is your vision of what’s possible. It’s important and rewarding, but often...

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More details about report Community deck - investment philosophies for strategic portfolio management Community deck - investment philosophies for strategic portfolio management
9th December 2021

Financial managers build wealth portfolios based on investment philosophies. Your organisation&rsquo...

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More details about report Community deck - negotiation role-play for content licensing professionals Community deck - negotiation role-play for content licensing professionals
18th October 2021

Review the report from the latest of our popular negotiation role-play sessions...This session's...

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More details about report Community deck - teeing up value-based budget  conversations for content licensing Community deck - teeing up value-based budget conversations for content licensing
30th September 2021

Value, costs, usage, preferences... all of these are part of most budget conversations, whether expl...

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More details about report Community deck - Centre of Excellence - make progress on your evolution, with your peers Community deck - Centre of Excellence - make progress on your evolution, with your peers
23rd July 2021

For nearly a decade, Jinfo has assisted information teams with designing their own versions of the J...

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More details about report Community deck - Centre of Excellence - examples of Pillars of Service and Known Fors Community deck - Centre of Excellence - examples of Pillars of Service and Known Fors
23rd June 2021

The Jinfo model for an Information Centre of Excellence includes two activities that we have used wi...

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More details about report Community deck - scorecards - how information teams are designing and using them Community deck - scorecards - how information teams are designing and using them
2nd June 2021

The concept of using scorecards to support product evaluation, communications with stakeholders and...

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More details about report Community deck - negotiation clinic - role-play and Q&A Community deck - negotiation clinic - role-play and Q&A
26th April 2021

This session involved role-playing different negotiation scenarios, plus discussion and Q&A with...

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More details about report Community deck - usage data in contract negotiations Community deck - usage data in contract negotiations
1st April 2021

We know that usage is only one component of what constitutes “value” but it is a very im...

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More details about report Community deck - pricing models for information and data licensing Community deck - pricing models for information and data licensing
8th March 2021

If you license external information and data into your organisation, you’ve likely encountered...

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