
Reports that help raise the value of information in your organisation, available through a Jinfo Subscription.

More details about report Market landscape - enquiry management systems Market landscape - enquiry management systems
10th July 2018

This report covers seven of the leading enquiry management tools specifically designed for informati...

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More details about report Jinfo benchmarking research 2018 Jinfo benchmarking research 2018
5th July 2018

As part of Jinfo's Research Focus, "Benchmark information roles - Jinfo models of excellence",...

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More details about report Community deck - Jinfo for optimising a team of researchers Community deck - Jinfo for optimising a team of researchers
4th July 2018

"What do we need to stop doing?" That's the question many research teams are asking themselves wh...

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More details about report Webinar deck - intelligence platforms - overcome platform perplexity with our panel discussion Webinar deck - intelligence platforms - overcome platform perplexity with our panel discussion
29th June 2018

Aggregation and intelligence platforms vary immensely in their ability and approach to incorporating...

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More details about report Jinfo model - maturity model for value-based operations Jinfo model - maturity model for value-based operations
29th June 2018

This Jinfo maturity model for value-based operations runs through five facets of a value-based infor...

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More details about report Community deck - setting aside time for strategy Community deck - setting aside time for strategy
23rd June 2018

Are you working IN your department or ON your department? As a leader, the most important thing you...

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More details about report Market landscape - Clarivate Analytics Market landscape - Clarivate Analytics
22nd June 2018

In this market landscape we look at nine products from Clarivate Analytics as well as an overview of...

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More details about report Jinfo model - scaling services and capacity management Jinfo model - scaling services and capacity management
19th June 2018

Are you struggling to reshape your team or processes to better service high-value information work?...

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More details about report Jinfo model - maturity model for query management Jinfo model - maturity model for query management
12th June 2018

Query management remains the backbone of many information centres. This Jinfo model identifies key s...

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More details about report Community deck - improving information team workflow and operations Community deck - improving information team workflow and operations
7th June 2018

Every information team needs to find ways to do more with fewer resources. But it's difficult to get...

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