
Reports that help raise the value of information in your organisation, available through a Jinfo Subscription.

More details about report Webinar deck - the unique role of information professionals in an AI age Webinar deck - the unique role of information professionals in an AI age
18th April 2018

Many information teams are struggling with when, where and how to use machine learning and AI tools...

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More details about report Product review of InfoNgen Product review of InfoNgen
13th April 2018

We last reviewed InfoNgen, the web monitoring and aggregation service, in 2013 and in this fresh new...

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More details about report Research Focus Insights and Actions "The information team with the right stuff" Research Focus Insights and Actions "The information team with the right stuff"
9th April 2018

What does a thriving, valuable information team need to be and need to deliver to its organisation?...

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More details about report Jinfo research - rethinking the role of information teams Jinfo research - rethinking the role of information teams
9th April 2018

As part of Jinfo's Research Focus,"The information team with the right stuff", we conducted 14 in-de...

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More details about report Community deck - designing, managing and improving analytics use-cases - a unique role for information teams Community deck - designing, managing and improving analytics use-cases - a unique role for information teams
29th March 2018

At the heart of success with analytics is a thorough understanding of the use-case for any given pro...

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More details about report Webinar deck - mapping the full use-case to create success with analytics Webinar deck - mapping the full use-case to create success with analytics
15th March 2018

Featuring Marc Vollenweider: Co-founder and Chief Strategist of Evalueserve and author of mind+machi...

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More details about report Market landscape - private equity/venture capital resources Market landscape - private equity/venture capital resources
14th March 2018

This market landscape gives an overview of 12 private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) products:...

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More details about report Product review of AlphaSense Product review of AlphaSense
13th March 2018

AlphaSense is a company search engine for analysts, researchers, and other financial professionals w...

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More details about report Community deck - future-proof your information service Community deck - future-proof your information service
8th March 2018

You have a future-proofed information service when you can: Articulate your highest value to the...

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More details about report Community deck - State of the industry, 2018 Community deck - State of the industry, 2018
7th March 2018

Ready to jump-start your new year with new learnings? Join your peers in a discussion about Jinfo's...

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