
Reports that help raise the value of information in your organisation, available through a Jinfo Subscription.

More details about report Jinfo model - reporting into procurement or finance Jinfo model - reporting into procurement or finance
23rd May 2019

This model looks at information teams that report into procurement or finance and some of the streng...

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More details about report Community deck - balancing end-user and expert services, to build a Centre of Excellence Community deck - balancing end-user and expert services, to build a Centre of Excellence
22nd May 2019

The Jinfo model of an Information Centre of Excellence calls for information teams to balance two ne...

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More details about report Jinfo model - effective work with procurement Jinfo model - effective work with procurement
20th May 2019

Content purchasing professionals can sometimes lock horns with their colleagues in procurement. In t...

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More details about report Community deck - Jinfo for content purchasing Community deck - Jinfo for content purchasing
20th May 2019

Join a quarterly confidential discussion of professionals responsible for content purchasing. You'll...

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More details about report Market landscape - agribusiness Market landscape - agribusiness
26th April 2019

This report gives an overview of information vendors in the field of agriculture. It includes:...

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More details about report Community deck - Jinfo for optimising a team of researchers Community deck - Jinfo for optimising a team of researchers
25th April 2019

Join a quarterly confidential discussion of professionals responsible for optimising a team of resea...

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More details about report Research Focus Insights and Actions "Creating an Information Centre of Excellence" Research Focus Insights and Actions "Creating an Information Centre of Excellence"
4th April 2019

An Information Centre of Excellence delivers information and insight throughout an organisation thro...

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More details about report Market landscape - online learning providers Market landscape - online learning providers
4th April 2019

In this market landscape we look at companies and courses offering online learning in three key area...

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More details about report Jinfo survey on developing an Information Centre of Excellence Jinfo survey on developing an Information Centre of Excellence
4th April 2019

As part of Jinfo's Research Focus, "Creating an Information Centre of Excellence", we surveyed 54 re...

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More details about report Jinfo model - maturity model on team characteristics Jinfo model - maturity model on team characteristics
29th March 2019

Through its research, Jinfo has consistently found that strategic planning, team optimisation, and c...

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