
Reports that help raise the value of information in your organisation, available through a Jinfo Subscription.

More details about report Community deck - Jinfo for content purchasing Community deck - Jinfo for content purchasing
15th August 2019

Download the deck and anonymised notes from our August Community session "Jinfo for content purchasi...

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More details about report Company landscape - Refinitiv and Thomson Reuters Company landscape - Refinitiv and Thomson Reuters
14th August 2019

In this company landscape we look at six products offering financial and risk data from Refinitiv:...

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More details about report Product review of Factiva Product review of Factiva
12th August 2019

Our new in-depth product review of Factiva, Dow Jones' premium news aggregation service, looks at ho...

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More details about report Community deck - benchmarking for your sector (pharma and related industries) Community deck - benchmarking for your sector (pharma and related industries)
9th August 2019

Download the deck and anonymised notes from our August Community session, "Benchmarking for your sec...

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More details about report Webinar deck - the impact of reporting structure on your service efficiency Webinar deck - the impact of reporting structure on your service efficiency
7th August 2019

Download the deck and notes from our July webinar, "The impact of reporting structure on your servic...

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More details about report Product review of Orbis from Bureau van Dijk - A Moody's Analytics Company Product review of Orbis from Bureau van Dijk - A Moody's Analytics Company
6th August 2019

Jinfo looked at Bureau van Dijk's Fame, a company information database focused on the UK and Ireland...

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More details about report Jinfo model - measuring the impact of current awareness Jinfo model - measuring the impact of current awareness
1st August 2019

In the age of measuring value, it's important to be able to determine the ROI of your current awaren...

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More details about report Market landscape - semantic intelligence and semantic search Market landscape - semantic intelligence and semantic search
25th July 2019

Semantic intelligence and semantic search is a complex space, and our list is not intended to be com...

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More details about report Jinfo model - evaluating information products Jinfo model - evaluating information products
24th July 2019

Jinfo has been conducting in-depth product reviews for over 15 years and during that time we've been...

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More details about report Community deck - benchmarking for your sector (manufacturing) Community deck - benchmarking for your sector (manufacturing)
23rd July 2019

Download the deck and anonymised notes from our July Community session "Benchmarking for your sector...

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