Jinfo Subscription Report Webinar deck - how technology evangelists help drive change
Jinfo Report

21st January 2019


During our Research Focus, "The accidental technologist", we explore technology culture, readiness and priorities. How information teams cope with the challenge of building skills and knowledge has a significant impact on technology adoption and adoption of the most appropriate technology.

We've invited two people who are leading the way in encouraging others in the information space to investigate new technologies and share with them how they might introduce them to their organisations.

Steve Bynghall has an MSc in Information Science, and runs his own consultancy specialising in the digital workplace, knowledge management, intranet, social business and collaboration solutions. He is also a researcher and writer in this area.

Andy Tattersall is author of the book "Altmetrics - a practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics", former chair of CiLIP's Multimedia Information and Technology Group, and an information specialist at the School of Health and Related Research at the University of Sheffield.

In this moderated session they will discuss:

  • How to evaluate new technologies
  • How to introduce new technologies
  • How to assess which are worth keeping and which should be left behind.

This is the slide deck and speaker notes from the Jinfo webinar "How technology evangelists help drive change", which ran on 17th January 2019

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