Jinfo Subscription Report Community deck - been there, done that - creating your own analytics success stories
Jinfo Report

22nd February 2018


In all but a few of the most sophisticated, data-driven organisations, strategy and management of data analytics projects are conspicuous by their absence.

Whilst there's little that an information team on its own can do to change this overall picture, there are a number of best practices you CAN adopt to start to control the chaos and realise these benefits:

  • Easy reference to where projects are taking place, their intended purpose, the partners involved, and any licensed data incorporated
  • Identification of risk exposure in data licensing, as well as opportunities to consolidate data requirements and address them earlier in the process
  • Opportunity to heighten stakeholder awareness of the need for consistency in governance and measurement of ROI
  • Central role for information team, leveraging existing unique strengths in knowledge management and source expertise.

This Community session walks through a model you can adopt and adapt, regardless of your current engagement with data analytics projects.

This is the slide deck and speaker notes from the Jinfo Community session "Been there, done that - creating your own analytics success stories", which ran on 21st February 2018

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