Jinfo Subscription Report Market landscape - Accuity risk & compliance products
Jinfo Report

6th March 2017


This market landscape gives an overview of products in the risk and compliance area from Accuity:

  • Bankers Almanac (including Bankers Almanac for Counterparty KYC, Bankers Almanac Due Diligence Repository, Bankers Almanac KYC Due Diligence Data File and Bankers Almanac Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Data)

  • FircoSoft suite (including Firco Compliance Link, Firco Due Diligence, Firco Trade Compliance, Firco Trust, Global Watch List, and Online Compliance)

  • NRS (including ComplianceMAX and FIRE Solutions' learning technology).

We provide a brief description of each product and a link to the product page, an overview of the typical users, geographic scope, key features/value, and the risk area the product covers from Anti-Money Laundering to due diligence and Politically Exposed Persons.

Accuity is part of the RELX Group plc as is LexisNexis Risk Solutions (see our recent market landscape on LexisNexis Risk Solutions risk & compliance products).

Produced by Sophie Alexander.

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