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Robin Neidorf Jinfo information team research (part 2 - rethinking the role of information teams)
30th March 2018

Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, presents analysis of Jinfo's latest research, into rethinking the role of information teams. Can we learn lessons from the role of other shared services, such as HR and IT? What do departments need to give up to get to a more strategic level of service provision? What's the new vision for information teams?



Clare Painter Complexities of copyright when moving from print to digital
29th March 2018

If you own the copyright to the material, it can also be digitised and shared with colleagues or the wider world on social media but knowing when you can use archived copyright material can be complicated. In this article, we offer some starting points to consider if you want to digitise and distribute older archive material whilst remaining copyright compliant.



Robin Neidorf Jinfo information team research (part 1 - introduction)
29th March 2018

How can you create a thriving, valuable information team and how can you convince the C-suite of its value? Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, introduces Jinfo's latest research into rethinking the role of information teams.



Sophie Alexander Q&A with Integreon - what's the blueprint for successful outsourcing?
26th March 2018

Integreon provides a variety of outsourced services, including contract review, document processing, business support and research. We last interviewed them a couple of years ago and recently caught up with Mark West, its operations director of knowledge and business information services, to find out what's changed since we last spoke, including some of the challenges faced with outsourcing and where it might be headed.



Robin Neidorf Q&A with Acquire Media - impact of their acquisition by Newscycle
23rd March 2018

We interview Brad Scher, president of Acquire Media, to get insight into the acquisition of Acquire Media, producer of the NewsEdge platform, by NEWSCYCLE Solutions and find out how it will bring more sources and publishers into NewsEdge, as well as added impetus for innovation.



Andrew Clark Innovation and development at UCB
19th March 2018

UCB's Scientific Information Service (SIS) held a Futures conference in 2017 for its users and select vendors to explore emerging ideas and technologies in the areas of content access and procurement. The conference was invitation-only, to make it more compelling for users to attend and keep it to a manageable size. It consisted of an introductory keynote, break-out sessions and short presentations covering relevant topics and this article looks at what was learnt as well as offering some practical next steps to help your organisation if wanting to plan a similar conference.



Andrew Lucas Product review of AlphaSense (value - help & training; competitors; development; pricing)
16th March 2018

The final part of our product review of AlphaSense, a company search engine for analysts, researchers, and other financial professionals, looks at the value the product provides to its users, as well as the help and training available and its competitors, including Thomson Reuters, Dow Jones, Bloomberg, FactSet, S&P Capital IQ, Acuris, Moody's Bureau van Dijk and Prequin. The company also has plans to improve the product and we take a look at some of the possible developments, pricing is also covered.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2973



Robin Neidorf How to refashion information teams into client-serving consultancies
15th March 2018

Information teams are moving away from transactional work to more consultative roles. This requires not just new skills but a change in mindset and information managers need to foster the right culture to support this transition. As part of the Jinfo Research Focus, "The information team with the right stuff", Robin Neidorf, Jinfo's director of research, explains how to refashion information teams to instil a new consultancy mindset, including work plans, staff appraisals, team meetings, mentoring, peer support and networking.



Andrew Lucas Product review of AlphaSense (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
15th March 2018

In the third part of our product review of AlphaSense, a company search engine for analysts, researchers, and other financial professionals, we look at the way users can search and interact with the product. Specifically, its use of search and algorithms to index content, as well as machine learning. With its core focus on information on quoted companies, we look at the range of search filters and results that can be obtained and how users can upload their own content. As well as this, we take a look at the administrative functions.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2973
