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Scott Vine Product review of Onelog
12th October 2018



Andrew Lucas Product review of Digimind Intelligence (value - help & training; competitors; development; pricing)
8th October 2018

In the final part of our review of Digimind Intelligence, we examine how it performs in areas such as monitoring web and social media and enterprise-wide publishing, and plans for future developments. We also look at the competitor landscape, from Hootsuite to Commetric, Factiva and Comintelli.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3064



Andrew Lucas Product review of Digimind Intelligence (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
5th October 2018

In part 3 of our review of the Digimind Intelligence platform for market intelligence professionals, we review the search and user interface, built around three different user experiences; the wide range of options for publishing and sharing information; and the administration functions.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3064



Andrew Lucas Guide to value in the Jinfo Research Focus on intelligence systems
5th October 2018

Current awareness continues to be a key focus for many information centres with the availability of more options than ever before. This article looks back at some of the content Jinfo has published over recent months in the Research Focus "Intelligence systems - beyond awareness to action", in relation to the provision of current awareness, content aggregation services, and intelligence systems and gives readers a chance to reflect on some of the issues involved when choosing a current awareness or intelligence platform.



Andrew Lucas Product review of Digimind Intelligence (sources - content & coverage)
4th October 2018

In part 2 of our review of market intelligence and web monitoring platform, Digimind Intelligence, we review how to set up search queries, key sources covered - from blogs to videos. We also look at industry sectors covered and news aggregator connectors, including the link with Factiva.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3064



Andrew Lucas Product review of Digimind Intelligence (key advantages; introduction; contact details)
3rd October 2018

In part 1 of our review of Digimind Intelligence we look at the key advantages of this competitive and market intelligence product and how it supports the organisation's strategic decision-making. We also outline key customer groups, sectors, look at changes since last reviewed and how Digimind Intelligence and Digimind Social complement each other.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3064



Scott Vine Product review of Knowledge360 from Cipher Systems (value - help & training; competitors; development; pricing)
3rd October 2018

The final part of our product review of Knowledge360 from Cipher Systems LLC, an end-to-end competitive intelligence platform designed to support market analysis, we take a look at the product's value, help and training, future development plans, and we also highlight some of the key competitors in the field along with pricing information.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3062



Scott Vine Product review of Knowledge360 from Cipher Systems (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
2nd October 2018

The third part of our product review of Knowledge360 from Cipher Systems LLC, an end-to-end competitive intelligence platform designed to support market analysis, looks at the technological side of the product including customisation features, search and save content and how users can create projects to collaborate. We also focus on its visualisation options, in the form of dashboard widgets, and look at its Web Watch feature and use of machine learning and NLP.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3062
