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Diane Thieke How to transform your thinking for the AI revolution
29th November 2018

Experts believe artificial intelligence (AI) will fundamentally alter the way we live and work. For information professionals, this has profound implications for their organisations as well as for their own roles. Unlike any of their colleagues, they are uniquely positioned to take a lead in AI initiatives and this article explores how.



Arthur Weiss Open source intelligence to uncover information on companies, organisations, groups and people
27th November 2018

Open source intelligence (OSINT) uses publicly available sources to gather intelligence for purposes ranging from basic recruitment checks on an individual to due diligence research for M&A purposes to in-depth fraud investigations and more. Search engines are the starting point, but deep web databases and social media searches are all part of the OSINT searchers toolkit. This article discusses approaches for finding open source intelligence with a focus on free sources.



Arthur Robbins Chatbot software in a pharmaceutical company
26th November 2018

How can the pharmaceutical industry implement chatbots? This article looks at one company's experience of working through and implementing a chatbot to handle medical information enquiries and discusses some of the issues to consider, such as partnering, regulatory considerations, implementation and lessons learned.



Steve Bynghall Why it's worth getting to know Office 365
23rd November 2018

Many organisations are using Office 365. Getting to know Office 365 and its constituent tools can help information and knowledge teams deliver services, as well as provide opportunities to provide expert guidance to help organisations get the most out of Office 365, including Outlook, SharePoint, MS Office, Teams and Skype for Business.



Andrew Lucas Mini review of IncFact - spotlight on privately held companies
22nd November 2018

This mini review looks at IncFact, a company information and business discovery engine covering up to three million US companies with a focus on those that are privately owned and midsized. We look at how IncFact can be used by companies for strategy and competitive intelligence as well as by private equity firms, and hedge funds for originating and sourcing deals and for due diligence.



Robin Neidorf How to use technology clusters
16th November 2018

In our previous two articles on technology, we looked at the wide range of technologies and challenges an information team might need to understand as well as the goals and desired outcomes of technology and how they measure up to the types of tools you can include in your overall solution. This final article provides a framework for thinking about how you can use these analyses to help your team develop the necessary skills, resources and partnerships.
