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Robin Neidorf Documenting the value chain (part 6 - smarter decisions)
28th June 2019

We know that information expertise is a prerequisite when it comes to helping us make smarter decisions but being able to evidence this and measure its impact over time can be problematic. What we can do is try and document the characteristics of the environment in which this goal is achieved and how information services contribute to creating those characteristics, this article looks at how we can set about doing this.



Andrew Lucas Service complexity in the pharmaceutical industry
28th June 2019

We find out more about the Scientific Intelligence (SciIntel) group at Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi, the global French pharmaceutical company and whether technology innovations such as text mining and options for full text search are enabling them to handle complex queries more efficiently.



Robin Neidorf Documenting the value chain (part 5 - transparency)
27th June 2019

Although information teams have long known that their services are essential to creating transparent business operations, it is difficult to demonstrate those contributions through metrics. Breaking down what it means to be "transparent", and then documenting your contributions to those smaller elements goes a long way towards making your value more visible and quantifiable, Robin Neidorf explains how to achieve this.



Robin Neidorf Jinfo benchmarking research (part 4 - content licensing strategy)
27th June 2019

Data for content purchasing and licensing can be very difficult to collate given the differences in how organisations license information, however, Jinfo has been able to create benchmarks around some of the key variables giving us insight into how information teams approach this and we explore some of these approaches in this article.



Robin Neidorf Documenting the value chain (part 4 - risk management)
26th June 2019

This article explores how information professionals help organisations manage risk and how they can better communicate their work in areas such as copyright, terms and conditions, licensing, and ensuring accurate information for decision-taking.



Robin Neidorf Documenting the value chain (part 3 - innovation)
26th June 2019

In the third of our six articles on documenting the value chain, we look at innovation and ask what it looks like, as well as exploring some of the requirements and characteristics that contribute to an innovative environment. We also look at what activities you may currently undertake that supports each of the characteristics and requirements of innovation in your organisation and some qualitative insights you can share with stakeholders to give them a clearer picture of the impact your expertise has on it.



Michael Moore Leadership alignment interviews - engaging your stakeholders around value
26th June 2019

Communicating the value of information services to budget holders and decision-makers is challenging. One way to enhance that communication is to interview leaders in your organisation to show where their ideas align, and where there may be gaps or misalignment. This article looks at how to shape leadership alignment interviews to deepen your engagement with stakeholders, to increase your understanding of their thoughts on value, and to build their buy-in for strategic efforts.



Robin Neidorf Jinfo benchmarking research (part 3 - services and customers)
26th June 2019

To create meaningful comparisons across information teams you first need to define what the teams do. This is what Jinfo set out to do as part of its benchmarking research and this article highlights some of that data, including what services and activities take place such as contract negotiation and taxonomy development, and in which department, as well as the impact and value of these services.



Robin Neidorf Documenting the value chain (part 2 - efficiency)
25th June 2019

Whilst it can be difficult to provide meaningful data to demonstrate the impact on efficiency that an information team provides, it is possible to highlight how you help an organisation become more efficient. In the second article on documenting the value chain, we provide practical examples of how information services contribute to efficiency and a useful set of metrics and reporting that can be used to demonstrate this.
