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Andrew Lucas Guide to value in the Jinfo Research Focus - benchmark information services
5th July 2019

Jinfo contributing editor Andrew Lucas provides an overview of the articles, models, research and tools published within the Jinfo Research Focus, "Benchmark information services - progressing towards transformation", looking at areas from the importance of tracking time to reporting lines and how to identify your peer group for benchmarking.



Sophie Alexander Why time measurement matters
5th July 2019

American Financial Group's Information Research Centre explains the benefits they find of tracking time, from demonstrating value to identifying most engaged customer groups. They also highlight the tool they use and the downfall of the tools they've used in the past.



Andrew Lucas The impact of changing reporting line
4th July 2019

We interview an information manager who has changed reporting line, to find out how that impacted on their services, stakeholders and how the information centre was valued and perceived. The article also includes tips and recommendations for others who may face a shift in reporting line.



Sean DeNora The strategy behind PwC Canada's content portfolio management
3rd July 2019

Sean DeNora of PwC Canada's Research & Insights team gives his tips for solid contract negotiation and examples of where he's used a variety of techniques to negotiate more appropriate contracts for information tools and databases.
