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Jan Knight Product review of Manzama Insights (sources - content & coverage)
1st October 2019

In the second part of our updated product review of Manzama Insights, a specialised market intelligence tool that uses artificial intelligence and big data analytics to collect and analyse company and industry insights, we look at the impressive scope of content available through the product, ranging from mid-sized newspapers to larger city publications. We also examine the diverse range of industries covered and the product's geographic coverage.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3261



Jan Knight Product review of Manzama Insights (key advantages; introduction; contact details)
30th September 2019

Manzama Insights is a specialised market intelligence tool that uses artificial intelligence and big data analytics to collect and analyse company and industry insights. Formerly aimed at lawyers, the product is now well suited to any profession and it has an ever-expanding international client base. In part one of Jinfo's updated review, we introduce the company and platform, key advantages, value and development plans as well as the changes that have been made to the product since it was last reviewed in 2018.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3261



Robin Neidorf Comparison of satisfaction: Factiva and Nexis
24th September 2019

Factiva from Dow Jones and Nexis from LexisNexis are the dominant players in the current awareness and intelligence markets, positions they have held for a long time. In this special survey, Jinfo seeks to establish what each product's users like and don't like about the services provided.



Chris Porter InfoDesk update - Making the most of external and internal data
24th September 2019

Jinfo last reviewed the InfoDesk product suite in September 2017. Two years on, the data services provider has added new features and enhanced the capabilities of existing services. In this must-read mini review, Chris Porter examines the key changes and describes what they mean for customers.



Andrew Lucas Technology update - auto-summarisation and web scraping
24th September 2019

This article looks at auto-summarisation and web scraping technologies, explaining what they are and how they came about, and highlights specific use-cases. We also look at some of the key players in this area, including Moreover, which forms the basis of the LexisNexis news monitoring product, Newsdesk, Ozmosys, M-Brain's Opoint, Wide Narrow, and InfoNgen, as well as a number of free tools that can be used for these tasks.
