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Patrick Walsh The Lean Intranet: from Intranet Zero to Intranet 2.0 and beyond. (Part 2: Intranet 1.0)
30th April 2009

In Part One of this series, Patrick Walsh talked about the reasons for unmet potential in intranet design and points the way forward to more effective intranet design. Moving the ball forward, this article focuses on the concept of the 'Lean Intranet', one that removes barriers, minimises and assesses content and takes a customer-focused approach.



Malcolm Coles Find and Share Information on the Internet : Part 2
30th April 2009

Last month, Malcolm Coles looked at the rise of search engines and their impact on finding online information in context. This month, he turns his lens on five social media sites (Twitter, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon and Delicious) to explain how they can make sharing that information easier.



Heather Carine Finding competitive business information in six steps
31st March 2009

While every quest for competitive information results in a different end point, the strategic researcher knows that the process for finding information follows the same key principles. Heather Carine shares her six basic steps for performing corporate competitive research, along with tips for getting started.



Kate Worlock EBooks and Traditional Texts: Complementary or Mutually Exclusive?
31st March 2009

The eBooks market seems to have been poised for success for years, but widespread adoption has been more promise than substance. Kate Worlock looks at comparative adoption rates for different types of content and academic environments and explains why new devices may help eBooks achieve their promise - or not.



Fran Alexander Folksonomies: Business Use
31st March 2009

Folksonomies are gaining favour as a free content organisational system on sites like Flickr and, but that doesn't make them ready for business prime time. Fran Alexander explores the pros and cons of folksonomies in the workplace and provides some insight into balancing the costs and benefits of crowd-sourced tagging.



Malcolm Coles Find and Share information on the Internet : Part 1
31st March 2009

With the number of websites in a state of continual expansion, tools for locating relevant online information become increasingly important. In Part One of this two-part story, Malcolm Coles examines the rise of search engines and social media and their impact on finding online information in context.



Sarah Hinton Filling in the Gaps: Company Intelligence Beyond the Corporate Website
1st March 2009

Somewhere between paid databases and Google, there's a wealth of company information available to researchers who ask the right questions and poke into the odd corners. Sarah Hinton provides an overview of her normal research process for corporate information, which uses the corporate web site as a springboard into competitive, patent, market, industry and insider information.



Marc Stephenson Information Architecture: Why SharePoint 2007 Needs It
1st March 2009

Microsoft's Sharepoint is here to stay in the enterprise information environment, but its ubiquity does not imply perfection. Marc Stephenson points out that the very usability of Sharepoint on the user level can prevent it from being deployed in a way to ensure technical longevity, and that a clear information architecture is critical to getting Sharepoint implementations right.



Jane Eason Knowledge for Survival
1st March 2009

The charity Practical Action, writes Jane Eason, offers a Practical Answers service which is helping hundreds of people around the world overcome their own poverty, through the provision of knowledge and information.  Through sharing and disseminating information, this practical support has had major impacts on the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of poor men and women throughout the world.



Matthew Solle Data Visualisation: Tools and Examples
9th February 2009

With the volume of information piling up inside organizations, information professionals are turning to information discovery tools to help them find information that might otherwise get buried. Visualisation tools are one such approach and, as Matthew Solle writes, the tools in this space are becoming increasingly innovative.
