
Grounded in original research, Jinfo Content helps you turn our insight into action on critical information challenges.

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Ellen Naylor Cooperative Intelligence: Help Yourself by Helping Others
23rd June 2009

Competitive intelligence may have a bit of a cloak and dagger reputation, conjuring up images of secretive sleuthing. But Ellen Naylor makes a strong argument that Cooperative Intelligence - that is, voluntarily sharing information with others in our increasingly connected digital world - may yield better results for customers and companies in the end.



Sue Greenwood Sweeble: Making Print Production Accessible
23rd June 2009

Just because we're surrounded by news of digital media and resources doesn't mean that print has gone away; far from it. Sue Greenwood reminds us that for many people in the world, information access still means reading a paper (or blackboard) and describes how her company, Sweeble, seeks to put the means of production into the hands of those making the news.



Jela Webb Information Risk
9th June 2009

It is not an exaggeration to say that the lifeblood of today's organisation, whether it be in the private or public sector, is information. All organisations handle information. If it is not effectively managed and controlled then potentially it can lead to both financial and reputational loss. 



Jennifer Smith Information in the Cloud:10-Point Check List for Choosing a Hosted Provider
31st May 2009

In an age when cloud storage architecture is becoming more robust, offering not just cost savings but reliability, information professionals are playing a bigger role in determining how enterprise information is getting stored in the cloud. Jennifer Smith offers a common sense checklist of attributes and questions to assess hosted providers, along with tips for the types of answers to look for.



Douglas  Laird Business Insight: BestForBusiness
21st May 2009

With 'only' ninety years as Birmingham Central Library's business information system, Business Insight is still finding ways to stay relevant. During the current economic crisis, that means the creation and launch of BestForBusiness, a new business trading platform that works as an online and physical service for every business, individual or organisation in the UK. Douglas Laird explains the components and benefits of BestForBusiness, as well as his ambitious plans for the platform's growth.



Jill Hurst-Wahl Computers in Libraries 2009: Spreading Ideas
21st May 2009

This year's Computers in Libraries show focused on creating the future of libraries through spreading ideas and learning. As Jill Hurst-Wahl reports, the conference keynotes and sessions promoted just that goal, with valuable insights shared both inside the session rooms and spilling out into spirited discussions at 'lobbycon'.



Martin Belam Copyright and Content: Sharing in a Digital Age
20th May 2009

In our digital age, copyright takes on a new urgency for publishers and corporate content consumers. Martin Belam sits down with Mark Bide, Project Director for ACAP, a protocol to allow machines to automatically understand the terms and conditions of content re-use over the Internet, to talk about how it can underpin legal use of protected data assets.



Kim Dority Disability Statistics: Challenges and Sources
20th May 2009

Finding consistent and comprehensive statistics on disabilities around the world can prove extremely challenging, due to differences in definitions, tracking frequencies, and the number of agencies tracking those numbers. Kim Dority provides valuable insights on how and where to get started with disabilities research, including a list of international organisations collecting that data.



Dennie Heye Information Services Add Value: Measuring and Proving It
4th May 2009

Even when the economy is booming, information professionals are called to prove their value over 'DIY' research on the Internet. But, with global economic contraction, comes even more pressure to quantify the value that info pros provide. Dennie Heye describes different aspects of 'perceived value' and how to show ROI to management.



Cynthia Shamel Finding Videos, Audio and Images on the Web: Search Tools
30th April 2009

Remember the 'old days' when search engines couldn't find the content of a PDF? Those days are long gone, and in their place we have an embarrassment of riches. Search engines for non-text media abound, with one list of video search engines alone topping 150. Add to that the image and audio search sites and you've got your hands full. Setting aside the recreational value of non-print media, let's look at some sources that will enhance your ability to find videos, audio and images for competitive intelligence and general business applications.
