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Stephanie Peckham Networking: Overcoming Your Hesitation
3rd November 2009

The word "network" can send cold shivers down an info pro's back, conjuring up images of awkward conversation with near strangers. Stephanie Peckham reframes it by acknowledging the difficulties and providing tips for making networking...dare we say...pleasurable?



Davina Gifford Information Architecture Principles: Use in a Library Setting
3rd November 2009

Information Architect and Librarian aren't interchangeable terms, but Davina Gifford believes the two roles share more similarities than differences. In this article she shares her observations about how drawing on an IA mindset can provide inspiration to librarians in any setting.



Nicole Engard Improving Library Services: Using Mashups
3rd November 2009

Content mashups aren't just for audio and video; they can be an invaluable way for libraries to bring together related content in a way that opens up new paths to knowledge. Nicole Engard provides a useful tutorial on DIY mashups for librarians, using Yahoo!Pipes.



Scott Brown Yahoo! Pipes: Relevant information on tap
3rd November 2009

Yahoo!Pipes, which mashes up information from disparate sources has been around for awhile and is growing in popularity despite its near-stealth mode. Scott Brown walks readers through the steps involved in creating and cloning Pipes.



Margaret McKay JISC: Applications for Inclusion
4th October 2009

Making information accessible to all users should be a priority for all information professionals, but it's often difficult to know where to start. Margaret McKay describes JISC's free resources and initiatives in this arena, which should make a useful starting point.



Karen Loasby Becoming a Taxonomist: Real Life Stories
4th October 2009

What draws information specialists to the field of taxonomy? When Karen Loasby asked the question of four diverse practitioners, their responses indicate that a thirst for problem-solving and a passion for getting accurate information into the hands of users is a good start



Karen Lawrence Oqvist Get to Know Your Plumbing: Protecting Your Organisation From Leaking 'Soft Information'
4th October 2009

These days organisations can run themselves ragged protecting their internal information assets, but it's of little comfort when 'soft' information - information that may have little inherent value, but yield knowledge when linked up with hard information by competitors - is so easily shared by employees within their social networks outside the workplace. Karen Lawrence Öqvist provides pointers for organisations to turn those potential intelligence risks into receptors by  providing a forum in which employees can share and be heard within the workplace.



Jan Davis When Smaller is Better: U.S. Merger and Acquisition Databases for Business Appraisers
30th September 2009

Details on the biggest mergers and acquisitions in the US are available from a number of well-known vendors, but what about information on middle market activity that is as elusive as it is valuable to business appraisers? Jan Davis provides an overview and comparison of three database vendors - DoneDeals, Pratt's Stats, and Bizcomps - who cover the middle market in the U.S.



Vernon Prior DIY Detection: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkee: Part 2
31st August 2009

Comprehensive competitive intelligence means looking at both hard and soft information. In Part two of his two-part article, Vernon Prior shares tips on the types of places and people that may willingly yield important competitive information, for those diligent and prepared enough to look.



Ian Davis Image Findability: Improving through Tags
31st August 2009

As image content proliferates and gains in importance to organisation, making it findable continues to be a challenge. Ian Davis provides a helpful list of image attributes to consider in developing your own approach, and points out the inherent challenges in the task.
