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Fran Alexander For digital asset management, search is not enough
30th September 2010

Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems bring the promise of increasingly sophisticated search techniques but all that glistens may not be gold. Fran Alexander examines the pros and cons of tagging, content-based image retrieval, face recognition, digital fingerprinting and screen-to-text, and concludes that they are very exciting but may be in the category of 'nice to have' rather than business critical.



Scott Brown Creating information communities with Twitter: Notes for publishers and content providers
30th September 2010

Developing communities of users is a long-established way of generating feedback but it was not until the advent of Twitter that these communities could bear such beneficial fruit. The results of research by the Social Information Group show how publishers and information professionals alike can gain from having an active presence on Twitter.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for Patent Research
27th September 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for Pharmaceuticals
20th September 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for Telecommunications
13th September 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Adrian Janes Selected Sources for Energy Research
1st September 2010

DocuTicker editors contribute brief articles to FUMSI on conducting research with grey literature - reports from government agencies, think tanks, research institutes and public interest organisations.



Andrew Youngkin Clustering Search Strategies: An Overview and Update
31st August 2010

It's easy to find pages of results when searching using the conventional search engines, but how can researchers make sure they pinpoint the really relevant search results? Andrew Youngkin provides the answer in his review of eight clustering search engines which take a categorical approach to finding specific information.



Graham Mainds Turning complaints into compliments in a city library service
31st August 2010

'Putting customers first' is a core value for service organisations and what better way to do this than by addressing their issues before they have raised them formally? Twitter is awash with enquiries and complaints and, if these can be tracked down and addressed in a proactive way, it will leave the customers with a very positive feeling about that organisation. Graham Mainds describes how Edinburgh City Libraries turned complaints into compliments by setting up Twitter alerts.   



Marieke Guy Treasuring Twitter: The why and how of preserving tweets
31st August 2010

Twitter started as method of exchanging 'inconsequential' information between individuals but is increasingly being seen as significant communication and marketing tool for organisations, so much so that they should be considering a preservation strategy for their tweets. Marieke Guy looks at why tweets should be preserved and what tools are available.
