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Heidi Longaberger Executive summary of product review of
17th November 2011, a business intelligence system with diverse and robust searching options providing access to thousands of global news publications, is reviewed by Heidi Longaberger.



Theba Islam "Predux" - How to improve conferences through peer-reviewed rehearsals
1st November 2011

Conferences are great places to get up-to-date and generally build your knowledge, but how often has a conference been less than perfect because of the quality of some presentations? This is where the “predux” comes in. As Theba Islam explains, this allows speakers to test out their presentations, and receive constructive criticism, from a small group of their peers before an event.



Dr Andrew Spong Influence: where next for industry on the social web?
1st November 2011

Social media are tools which facilitate the conversations that matter most to you – and, by the way, you are part of conversation. If you are not part of the conversation then there is no need for you to be using social media except if you want to tick that box on your marketing strategy – tick, we have Twitter and FaceBook accounts. So what – owning those accounts is easy, it is what you will do with those accounts and where you will exert influence that matters.



Heidi Longaberger Communications industry resources on a budget
1st November 2011

With the influence of social media changing attitudes to the sharing of data and having a positive impact on the availability of free information, the resources providing data and analysis on the communications industry are having to evolve. As Heidi Longaberger describes, these changes mean that finding data on a budget is becoming easier.



Marlene Gebauer Reinventing librarians: Part 2 - Use knowledge of resources and use to enhance the procurement process
1st November 2011

By their very nature, librarians are good at knowing what their users need. They listen, they understand the organisation, they monitor usage of current resources, and they hear about and evaluate new resources, which puts them in an ideal position to provide valuable input to the procurement process. In Part 2 of the series on reinventing librarians, Marlene Gebauer shows how this is another way for librarians to add value.



Leah Pellegrino Product Review of Infotrieve Mobile Library
12th October 2011

Infotrieve Mobile Library, a business service solution for content access and management, secure social networking and collaboration, full service library outsourcing, content licensing, copyright compliant document delivery, usage analysis, reprints and collection management, is reviewed by Leah Pellegrino.



Heidi Longaberger Product Review of BvD Bankscope
12th October 2011

BvD Bankscope, a global database and financial analysis tool offering bank financial statements, ratings, news and intelligence, is reviewed by Heidi Longaberger.



Robin Neidorf Defining value through pricing
12th October 2011

FreePint Research has piloted Benchmarking on Pricing, a confidential process through which content buyers can determine how well their content contracts reflect current pricing norms.



Katie Roden The Guardian Teacher Network: The Teacher As Consumer
3rd October 2011

Providing exactly what the user needs, in the format and at the time that works best for them, should be the ultimate aim of any website or web app. In her article about the Guardian Teacher Network website, Katie Roden demonstrates how having a Twitter strategy can lead to engagement of users so that a website provides a tailored user experience and evolves as needs change.
