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Perrin Kerravala Product Review of Preqin's Private Equity databases
20th September 2011

Preqin, a publisher of online databases, reports and data on alternative investments, including private equity (PE), real estate, hedge funds and infrastructure funds, is reviewed by Perrin Kerravala (Private Equity Databases).



Beverley Crane ProQuest Dialog for novice and experienced searchers
4th September 2011

Whether you are an old hand at searching Dialog products or you are a novice, searching methods in ProQuest Dialog™ allow everyone to achieve precision in their search results. Beverley Crane explains how this is possible using thesaurus, set searching and restricting searching in a multi-file search.



Martin Belam Write here, right now - how Tumblr changed blogging: Part 2
1st September 2011

In the second part of a two-part article, Will Myddelton and Martin Belam look at how Tumblr is being used by a range of organisations, from libraries to news organisations, and how easy it is to search for niche information and follow tumblelogs.



Jo Brodie Some ways to use Storify - curate an archive, add context, tell a story
1st September 2011

Much of social media content is very much “of the moment” but often content is created which needs to be captured and commented on for future use. That’s when Storify comes into its own as it allows you to embed individual “units” of social media, such as Facebook updates, tweets and YouTube videos, into a single Storify blog post. Jo Brodie reviews Storify and compares it with other tools such as Chirpstory.



Emma Kinani Managing stakeholder relationships - the importance of cognitive behaviour
1st September 2011

Successfully managing stakeholder relationships is vital to any organisation which not only wants to grow but also retain its customers. Defining stakeholder groups and their characteristics is the start of the process but going back to the basics of human cognitive behaviour is at the heart of it. In her article, Emma Kinani looks at to how to build up communications with stakeholder groups and the impact of social media tools.

What’s inside


The method of understanding and processing information determines the outcome – the purpose of the information, decoding the message, and dissemination. Similarly, organisations can use information to steer their business one way or the other to develop a form of relationship that will ultimately lead to business growth. No matter the nature of business, it is imperative to go back to basics and formulate a model that seeks to address the underlying motive. Organisations are built by people who have vision; they have goals, dreams and personal hopes to see their business grow and flourish. Philanthropic or otherwise, the result is the same for all – to make it work! Defining the stakeholders are, and how to manage both internal and external communications to engage both groups, is therefore vital.



Successfully managing stakeholder relationships is vital to any organisation which not only wants to grow but also retain its customers. Defining stakeholder groups and their characteristics is the start of the process but going back to the basics of human cognitive behaviour is at the heart of it. In her article, Emma Kinani looks at to how to build up communications with stakeholder groups and the impact of social media tools.

What’s inside


The method of understanding and processing information determines the outcome – the purpose of the information, decoding the message, and dissemination. Similarly, organisations can use information to steer their business one way or the other to develop a form of relationship that will ultimately lead to business growth. No matter the nature of business, it is imperative to go back to basics and formulate a model that seeks to address the underlying motive. Organisations are built by people who have vision; they have goals, dreams and personal hopes to see their business grow and flourish. Philanthropic or otherwise, the result is the same for all – to make it work! Defining the stakeholders are, and how to manage both internal and external communications to engage both groups, is therefore vital.



Successfully managing stakeholder relationships is vital to any organisation which not only wants to grow but also retain its customers. Defining stakeholder groups and their characteristics is the start of the process but going back to the basics of human cognitive behaviour is at the heart of it. In her article, Emma Kinani looks at to how to build up communications with stakeholder groups and the impact of social media tools.



Firstrain Test
11th August 2011

Firstrain test



Leah Pellegrino Product Review of Thomson Reuters' WestlawNext
11th August 2011

Thomson Reuters is a leading provider of information for businesses and professionals. The company offers a number of solutions for the financial, legal, tax, accounting, science and healthcare fields. It is based in New York, has offices in London and Eagan, Minnesota and employs about 50,000 people worldwide.



Perrin Kerravala Product Review of FirstRain
11th August 2011

FirstRain, a business information search solution offering a variety of methods to deliver content into the workflow of busy business professionals, including mobile applications, portal integration or simply over the web, is reviewed by Perrin Kerravala.



Paul Wilkinson A construction industry approach to using information - BIM, a shared knowledge resource
31st July 2011

How many times have we read about public sector construction projects failing to deliver on time, to specification and to cost? But what role does information play in this and does it lead to better outcomes not just for the tax payer but also for the contractors involved? Paul Wilkinson tells us about a new way to do business in the UK construction industry; with information collaboration and sharing at its heart, BIM (Building Information Modelling) is the future.



Judith Binder Tricks of the trade show: Making the most of your field research
31st July 2011

Industry trade shows and conferences can be so big that you just don’t know where to start. But don’t be put off; follow this advice from Judith Binder and capitalise on the wealth of business and market information that can be gleaned if you take the right approach. Make sure you plan how you will come away from the event with key competitive intelligence … without giving too much away yourself!
