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Penny Crossland Product Review of StrategyEye Digital Media
21st December 2011

StrategyEye Digital Media, a cloud-based intelligence platform aimed at senior decision makers, is reviewed by Penny Crossland.



Jan Knight Executive summary of product review of HighBeam Business
21st December 2011

Executive summary of a VIP review of HighBeam Business from Cengage Learning, for quick and easy access to company profiles, industry reports and business articles.



Penny Crossland Executive summary of product review of StrategyEye Digital Media
21st December 2011

Executive summary of a VIP review of StrategyEye Digital Media, a cloud-based intelligence platform aimed at senior decision makers.



FreePint Research: Comparison of news aggregators
21st December 2011

FreePint compares six news aggregation products and highlights their strengths and weaknesses, content and search options.



Joanna Ptolomey Social media and the emergency services: Part 1 - Policing in your pocket
1st December 2011

Using social media to enable law enforcement agencies to engage with communities seems like a laudable objective, but what happens when those same media are used to crowdsource private information? Joanna Ptolomey and Christa Miller consider the implications of the social media initiatives being used by the police.



David Haynes Social Networks in the workplace - some data protection issues
1st December 2011

There are many benefits to be gained from using social networks in the workplace but there is a downside – a growing concern about privacy and misuse of personal information. Using the results from a survey he conducted to highlight the issues, David Haynes puts forward an approach to managing social networks through the introduction of organisational policy.



Jonathan Kahn Seven things I've learnt about organising a conference
1st December 2011

With the help of the internet and social media, it’s now possible to organise a conference without a large advertising budget and an army of staff. You just need to follow Jonathan Khan’s seven-point plan – developed from personal experience – to create a successful conference.



Africa S. Hands Where the jobs are: Listings and resources for LIS professionals
1st December 2011

The art of job seeking transforms itself to keep pace with ever-changing technology, so what are the best techniques to use and places to go when looking for an LIS job? Africa S Hands gives us an insight into not only the resources to use but also how to plan job seeking activities to make the most of what is available.
