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Joanna Ptolomey Product Review of SciVerse Applications
18th January 2012

Elsevier's SciVerse Applications, an application marketplace and developer network to refine and enhance the search and discovery process, is reviewed by Joanna Ptolomey.



Robin Neidorf Evolution in Enterprise Demand for Mobile Content
18th January 2012

After a slow start, enterprise applications are waking up to mobile content, with pilot projects and a platform approach influencing the culture in a more flexible way.



Heidi Longaberger Product Review of NovaRes
18th January 2012

NovaRes from Cicero Group, an expansive portal providing public policy and regulatory detail for the financial services industry, is reviewed by Heidi Longaberger.



Joanna Ptolomey Executive summary of product review of SciVerse Applications
18th January 2012

Executive summary of a VIP review of Elsevier's SciVerse Applications, an application marketplace and developer network to refine and enhance the search and discovery process.



Heidi Longaberger Executive summary of product review of NovaRes
18th January 2012

Executive summary of a VIP review of NovaRes from Cicero Group, an expansive portal providing public policy and regulatory detail for the financial services industry.



Martin Belam "Frictionless sharing" - exploring the changes to Facebook
3rd January 2012

End users of Facebook may well be divided in their opinion of the introduction of frictionless sharing, but Martin Belam’s article will forewarn you about its effect on metadata, audit trails and content publishing, so that you can be forearmed.



Mark Field From fragmentation to coherence: Building an information professional community for all
3rd January 2012

If you are concerned about why, in an information age, information professionals are largely marginalised, then Mark Field’s article will give you food for thought as he debates how info pros must work together to keep the profession relevant and appreciated in the 21st Century.



Martha Murphy Social media and the emergency services: Part 2 - Emergency management
3rd January 2012

The emergency services are finding new ways of communicating with the public through social media. Martha Murphy shows how Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, blogs and podcasts have opened up new ways of information dissemination for fire and related groups in Canada.



Joann M. Wleklinski A look at non-profit information websites
3rd January 2012

If you need to research the non-profit sector then the GuideStar websites are great places to start. Covering the US, UK, Belgium, Israel and India, these websites provide information about the sector’s organisations with some details available for free, more once you are registered, and yet more if you subscribe.



Jan Knight Product Review of HighBeam Business
21st December 2011

HighBeam Business from Cengage Learning, for quick and easy access to company profiles, industry reports and business articles, is reviewed by Jan Knight.
