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Jenny Robertson Executive summary of product review of Profound
19th June 2012

Profound is a web-based market research procurement service which aggregates research reports from nearly 200 publishers. Owned by, the product is accessed by pre-pay subscription and subscribers have the option to download individual tables, sections and chapters as well as full reports.



Perrin Kerravala Executive summary of product review of Dow Jones Risk and Compliance Portal
19th June 2012

Dow Jones Risk & Compliance Portal is a solution for assessing, investigating, and monitoring third parties for anti-bribery and corruption, regulatory compliance, and business risk. Launched just over a year ago, the anti-corruption screening tool on the Portal helps companies comply with anti-corruption regulations and legislation, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and UK Bribery Act.



Jenny Robertson Product Review of Profound
19th June 2012

Aimed at corporate subscribers,’s Profound is a subscription-based market research procurement service, aggregating information from a large number of market research publishers and across more than 700 industry segments worldwide.



Perrin Kerravala Product Review of Dow Jones Risk & Compliance Portal
19th June 2012

Dow Jones Risk & Compliance Portal is a solution for assessing, investigating, and monitoring third parties for anti-bribery and corruption, regulatory compliance, and business risk.



Robin Neidorf Measuring Up: Information Services Benchmarking identifies priorities, structure and budget
19th June 2012

The provision of information services has been evolving for a good 15 years, and the pace of change accelerated during the recession. Now, as recovery is underway, many information managers are trying to get perspective on the overall result of all this change. It’s time to take inventory of services, priorities, project ownership, budgets and content portfolios to define what the next stage of development might look like.



Heidi Longaberger Private company information outside the U.S.: Western Europe, UK and Ireland
15th June 2012

The availability of data about private companies, particularly in jurisdictions where minimal or no reporting is required by law, can be challenging to obtain. Bureau van Dijk  provided FreePint with fresh awareness of what is available and how to access it. The information was so useful, we commissioned two articles for FreePint readers on the topic. This article examines sources of information on private companies... even when you think such information might not be available.



Colleen Sullivan Find the right communication channel to empower teams to work
12th June 2012

Maintaining good lines of communication in all teams is essential to success. There are multiple channels for keeping team members connected, each with different opportunities and risks. Identifying and using the best channel for each situation – be it email, social media, instant messaging, by phone or face to face – will improve team relations and drive positive results.



Cynthia Shamel Maximise your return on information investments with an information audit
12th June 2012

While the phrase "information audit" has risen and fallen in popularity, the need has remained steady if not grown. Most enterprises can benefit from an information audit, looking closely at how workers acquire, store, locate, share and use information. Done well, the process will identify opportunities to increase information access, save time, save money, or some combination of the three.



Melanie Browne Driving innovation with information
12th June 2012

Information sharing and information services should spark innovative ideas. Librarians and information professionals need to be entrepreneurial change catalysts. They can do this by providing information services that are creative and encourage innovation within organisations and help work around the challenges that may derail success.



Yulia Aspinall Essential resources for competitive intelligence research in biopharma
12th June 2012

Against a backdrop of shrinking development pipelines, global constraints on healthcare expenditure and increasing market access and reimbursement hurdles, no company can make smart decisions without a thorough understanding of its competitors and the competitive environment. Thus, identifying the best resources for research is essential for success.
