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Robin Neidorf Technology shifts and enterprise market for mobile content
18th July 2012

Changes in technology have a deep impact on how and when organisations can invest in mobile content deployment. Interviews for the research report, Enterprise Market for Mobile Content, reveal some frustration with lack of standards and the pace of change.



Dean Mason Is content becoming anti-social?
18th July 2012

There are more newspapers than ever before putting their digital content behind paywalls, particularly as there is evidence to suggest this may provide some mitigation to their flagging print sales. This no doubt offers some relief to the media industry, but as a result we seem to be moving backwards.



Robin Neidorf Corporate user demands for mobile content: Top-down and bottom-up
17th July 2012

FreePint's research study, Enterprise Market for Mobile Content 2012, provides insight into how information managers in a range of global organisations face demand from their users -- those at the top of the organisation and those at the junior levels.



Dean Mason Key challenges for legal ebooks
17th July 2012

Jean O'Grady's recent article on The Future of eBooks in Law Firms provides an excellent overview of the legal ebook market. She raises some key issues that are perhaps holding back the proliferation of legal ebooks in law firms. It could be argued that by coming up with the answers could result a "Kindle moment" for this sector.



Penny Crossland Home in on the buzz with NewsWhip
16th July 2012

It's a crowded market for social media and news monitoring, but Dublin-based NewsWhip brings unique timeliness and coverage to the equation.



Robin Neidorf Research on the Enterprise Market for Mobile Content 2012: About the Study
13th July 2012

In early 2012, FreePint published original research on The Enterprise Market for Mobile Content 2012, based on in-depth interviews with information managers at a range of global organisations. Comparing the results to a similar project conducted in late 2010 demonstrated rapid change in priorities and perspectives amongst the respondents. This article provides a summary of how the research was organised and the research population.



Robin Neidorf Enterprise Market for Mobile Content 2012: Future focus
13th July 2012

FreePint's research study, Enterprise Market for Mobile Content 2012, provides insight into how information managers in a range of global organisations are thinking about the future of content delivery, as more stakeholders want (or demand) access via mobile devices.



Tim Buckley Owen Bloomberg and LexisNexis - the new disruptors?
12th July 2012

A couple of big names in the information industry seem to be expanding into areas where they haven’t necessarily competed before. Just coincidence – or the start of a trend which info pros are going to have to take on board? Read more>>



Connie Crosby A Survey of Enterprise Collaboration Tools
12th July 2012

As the business world has become more global, our working world has become increasingly complex, making it difficult to work across teams, geographies and time zones. Fortunately over the past several years, tools have emerged that allow for faster and easier collaboration. This article surveys some of the tools being used by organisations today to collaborate.



Yulia Aspinall Mini Review: Northern Light Discovery Portal
11th July 2012

The Northern Light Discovery portal provides robust searchable access to conference proceedings -- a valuable source of insight which can be difficult to search otherwise. Researcher Yulia Aspinall puts the portal through its paces and comes up with a strongly positive review.
