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Penny Crossland Mendeley's Research Report Proves Open Access Boosts Productivity
14th November 2012

Coinciding with the global open access week initiative, Mendeley, the cloud-based database providing access to academic and scientific research papers, has published the Global Research Report. The report, which is a useful research tool in its own right, contains statistics based on Mendeley's two million users worldwide and more than 65 million uploaded research papers. All this ties in with recent UK Government efforts to boost open access with £10 million worth of funding and to comply with the Research Council UK Open Access Policy, which was launched in July of this year.



Penny Crossland New Video Curation Tools Let You Filter Cute Kitten Virals
8th November 2012

As information professionals, we know that video news has become an important part of the mix when searching for business news. However, with 72 hours of video being uploaded every minute on YouTube alone, how do you sort the wheat from the chaff – the cute baby videos and the Fenton, the dog videos from those that contain relevant nuggets of information? The answer lies in video curation, and in recent months there have been launches of new apps and other tools worth mentioning.



Tim Buckley Owen Too Much Data? Trust Your Judgement
5th November 2012 continues to grow its portfolio to unify social listening, content, engagement, advertising, workflow, automation and measurement. While sales executives may have access to more data than ever in crafting their sales territories or incentive plans, concern about misleading, incomplete or out-of-context data is leading at least a third of these executives to place some reliance on their "best guess".



Scott Brown Inventing Our Own Future
1st November 2012

Users are well aware that the information environment is changing, and they're having their own struggles navigating this space. We have a huge opportunity in addressing that pain point, among others. That's a huge challenge, but an even bigger opportunity for information professionals. How often do we get to invent the future? And what are we going to do about it?



James Mullan What You Can Do to Improve Knowledge Sharing
1st November 2012

We all know how important it is for organisations to create and share knowledge. This is especially true in the legal sector, where knowledge of the law and legal subjects is what a law firm sells. Yet knowledge sharing within law firms can be especially difficult. There are many reasons why this is the case, but knowledge staff can take steps to improve knowledge sharing.



James Mullan Forget BYOD, It's Time to COPE
31st October 2012

Earlier this year I wrote about some of the challenges which organisations face when considering how they can encourage and develop a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. Whilst the popularity of BYOD has grown during 2012, a new concept is being discussed which might bring an end to some of the challenges it created.



James Mullan SharePoint - A Librarian's Best Friend?
30th October 2012

Right now it seems like a day doesn't go by where I receive an email or read a blog post that extols the virtues of SharePoint as either an intranet, knowledge repository, knowledge network or collaborative tool. One article published in an AALL/ILTA white paper definitely grabbed my attention with the title "SharePoint: A Librarian's most versatile tool". This is certainly a very bold statement to make, so what is it about SharePoint that makes it so "versatile"?
